chapter 5

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You handled the divorce papers for him and he immediately without any second thoughts signed them, he instantly hugged Hana and pecked her lips as they won something big

You bowed to his parents and stood from your place to leave the room and pack your stuff "Congratulations Mom and Dad" you heard your son's voice congratulating them and you wiped the tears from your cheek

"So when is the wedding? And when we are getting our grandchild" you heard your in-laws which made you desperate to glance at jungkook and Hana's faces, you imagined her blushing and hiding her face in jungkook's chest

Their family moment kept going on as you heard the loud laughter, packing your stuff in the suitcase your eyes again got teary noticing the photo frame of just jungkook and your son

Placing it too in your suitcase you heavily sighed and sat on the edge of the bed and a few incidents of last month ran through your mind

You got on your knees hands joined to each other in front of him, trying to stop him from going to her apartment again, you even begged him to not leave you but he just yanked his leg from your grip and hurriedly left the mansion

You kept crying on the floor your heart out and banging your hands on the floor with loud thuds the maids somehow stopped your actions and you cried hard in the arms of one of the elderly maid

Sobbing the whole night you waited for him to arrive home and when he came back in the morning he smelled like sex, you knew what they did but still, you hugged him and cried he was stiff in his place and later he yanked you again and shouted at your face


You left your dignity for him, just so desperate to stop him numerous times they must be fucking each other in your bed, kitchen, living room and where not

Why you can't be her? Why you can't be like her? These thoughts are always inside your mind, they make you so insecure that you start starving yourself to lose some weight to be like her

Wiping your tears you took out the pamphlet from the lower deck of your cupboard and filled up your details in it, you have nowhere to go now so now you have to work to feed yourself so for now you decided to work in NHO where you get an appointment to babysit kids of different families

You filled few details about yourself and even the fact that you can play various instruments, paint and can do sketching

You took a few pictures of the registration form and sent it to NHO's official email ID you put the papers into a file and packed them in your bag steadily

As you were packing more stuffs your phone vibrated and you picked up the call immediately noticing the caller ID


"Ms Han, your registration form has been accepted from NHO, and we have found a household for you so to discuss the further requirements the owners wants to meet you" as the voice of the lady halted you thanked the God for the job and smiled widely at your first successes

"Thank-you so much Miss, I will probably make my presence there till 10 am " As you responded back she instructed you about few more things and you squeaked in happiness

You can't believe they contacted you this early as you excepted it take atleast few weeks as you don't have any experience but maybe God too wants you to do this job so thinking like in that way you gladly accepted the offer

You took out the white blouse and the pencil skirt from your suitcase, you tried to button the shirt but it was getting hard for you to do it, it's been years since you have worn these so you thought you gained few weight more

Putting a slight braid with your hair you looked at yourself in the mirror, after years you worn something like this but it's the best for now to atleast make you look presentable for now

Putting a light shade of lip balm you smiled widely talking to yourself and going outside of your room with few files, you hurriedly stepped forward toward the exist of the mansion You didn't noticed anything and keep walking on that pencil heels fast enough to catch a bus atleast

As you were passing from the living room your heels tripped on the mattress of the floor and as you were about to lose your balance A quite hard muscular hand yanked you back and your back hit his muscular back

You hissed but didn't let the files to fall from your hand
"Easy going lady" you heard an unfamiliar voice and faced toward the voice and found a familiar face whom you saw plenty of times with jungkook

"You here?" You looked toward the familiar voice from the stairs and noticed jungkook standing there in his tuxedo as he came further and your eyes met his almond ones

You immediately yanked yourself from the stranger's arms and now totally faced him, he was tall alot tall, big veiny hands and a tough body like a body builder you never felt this small infront of anyone, he deeply chuckled and his voice was more deeper than the ocean

"I thought to pick you up buddy and may I know who's this lady here" he pointed at you and you gulped flickering your gaze and noticed jungkook who got stiff in his position

"Ex wife, his ex wife" you shortly answered and the huge man looked at you with narrowed eyes and a smirk formed on his face

"Ohh he told me about it, looks like you are going somewhere? If you don't mind I can drive for you" you clearly understood his intention with his tone and the way his eyes keep going around your white shirt or at your legs

"Thank-you I will manage myself" you bowed respectfully leaving the place as you don't want to waste more of your time between them

"Stop hitting on my wife!"
"You mean ex wife?"
"Y-yea e-ex wife, my tongue slipt you will get bored easily"

"Doesn't look like that" the huge man whispered to himself with a smirk on his face while noticing your pencil skirt hugging your lower tightly that it was a scene to not miss at all, he noticed the mole on the back of your thigh which made his smirk to widen more and the way your ass was moving in the tight skirt was such a scene, he chuckled at jungkook when he noticed his eyes were glued on your back too

"what compulsion must have been there to divorce her" he thought to himself and tapped on jungkook's shoulder to grab his attention

"If you don't want her I can keep her "

"This is Kim taehyung here and my two babies Felix and Jackson, say hi to Ms.y/n bois"
He ended up his words with a handshake with you, his eyes traveled from head to toe of you body but he made sure you didn't noticed his gaze on you, after looking at you he was not sure why jungkook divorced you, your divorce absolutely doesn't make any sense

"Thanks for letting me work for your kids"

Love you all 💜💙

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