chapter 40

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[Y/n's pov]

I Clenched my head as it was hurting badly and my whole body was paining, as far as I remember I was waiting for Taehyung and it was weird that I came and slept which I never usually do at noon

I stood from my place looking in the Mirror, I yawned and right now I really needed some coffee to freshen my mood, I went out of my room went downstairs and spotted a few familiar figures
"Namjoon" I called out as they all looked at my way but the person whom I called stood from his place and smiled at me widely

"How are you?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck as some cracked memories of our past reflected in front of my eyes, he was a close friend of jungkook and also the guy who once had a huge crush on me, I never knew that such a popular guys were crushing over me but in the last I ended up with someone who made me regret choosing him every second

"Fine how are you doing?" I asked as he extended his hand for a handshake which I gladly accepted, I smiled taking a place beside Taehyung as I noticed Taehyung's hands caressing my hands. I smiled at him and he pecked my lips as a little laugh left my mouth

"You look more beautiful y/n" Namjoon's words made both of us to divert our attention toward him as I peeked at Taehyung "Yea maybe living the special ones makes you glow" I again averted my attention toward Namjoo as he smiled widely and laughed

"You guys are such a cute couple, wishing the best from my side" He let out as Taehyung mouthed a 'thanks' and winked at me, I looked over to at Jae who was listening to our conversation carefully

"So now tell us how mom was during her high school and uni days?" Jae let out looking at my way as I knitted my brows at his sudden question and again I looked at Namjoon who shrugged his shoulder "Why don't you ask her" namjoon uttered as I Gave him a confused smile, there's nothing special about my high school or uni days, just a avg student who was into Arts and Physics.

"There's nothing special to know" I uttered with a laugh as Namjoon raised his brows and sipped on the drink He was having "Seriously? As far as I remember there were plenty of popular guys into you" he let out making me choke on nothing as I awkwardly laughed out

"How come I never noticed you?" Taehyung asked out of nowhere grasping my fingers more tightly into his hold as I twitched my brows and tried
Cool "I was more like a hidden student so many never knew that I even existed" I let out as Namjoon laughed and patted Jae's shoulder

"And those who noticed her got behind her, Maybe your mom knew if she tried to socialize more, guys would be devoting the ground she walked on so she remained undercover" He let out making you blush slightly at his statement as Taehyung pinched your thighs noticing your reaction, you widened your eyes at him but he just rolled his eyes

"SERIOUSLY? DAYUMMM DAD MUST BE THAN ON HIS KNESS FOR HER ISN'T? WERE THEY WERE THE COUPLE GOALS FOR YOU GUYS? YOU ALL MUST HAVE SHIPPED THEM ISN'T IT?" Jae uttered in pure excitement but suddenly halted knowing what he just uttered, he just went with the flow too much. He sucked on his breath as I pushed the glass of juice further more toward him and smiled at him

"I'm s-sorry" he shuttered gulping on the drink as I nodded my head, taehyung looked at me and awkwardly smiled as now the atmosphere got a little thick and heavy, namjoon looked at me awkwardly but it was clear he wanted to say something to me. I cleared my throat looking at Taehyung's way who was now engaged in a talk with Jae to lit up the dense atmosphere a bit

"Mr. Kim can you just look at my PC it isn't functioning well" Jae let out as Taehyung nodded kindly at him "Why not" he let and I smiled at their way as Taehyung again pecked "I will be back soon love" He let out going behind Jae towards the drawing room as now I looked namjoon

"What do you want to say?" I directly asked which took him off guard as he raised his brows before sighing heavily and getting settled on the couch more comfortably now than before jungkook" Listening to his words a chill ran down my spine, why his name suddenly

"W-What about him?" I asked trying to not maintain the intimidating gaze he was throwing at me while maintaining his tense expression"Let it out, I know he isn't going to stop when you are just a few steps away from his grasp y/n, do you seriously think he's fine seeing you with another guy"

His words made me feel vulnerable about my situation, He was the one to cheat on me, threw me out of his life, played with my feelings, and Made me crave for him, and when I finally moved on and was doing much better without his interference in my life he decided to again play me as his toy. I need to get my every photo or anything He have against me as soon as possible

I don't know if I can trust namjoon or not because in the last he's someone close to jungkook and a great brother figure to him, I was just close to him due to Jungkook but later when I came to know that he had feelings for me and backed off due to Jungkook had something for me I distant myself from him

If a guy can scarafice his liking for someone just to maintain his 'bro code' so I don't think so I can trust him,I can't anyone who's close to jungkook and the person I can trust right now I can't utter about my situation to him, He will surely understand my situation but still I will leave a big scar, He has a huge anger issue which can ruin many thing and if by any chance jungkook gets triggered by taehyung, every single picture or video of me with him will circulate all over the internet, I will just not ruin myself but also Taehyung, Taehyung's parents, Jae, Rainel Empire, and many things which I adore and wants to be safe

"You don't need to worry about me,I'm doing fine"

[End of y/n's pov]

"I want him dead and make sure he dies in the most inhuman way until his each scream will roam in the surrounding making everyone tremble with fear and his condition should also remind to not Mess with those whom Jeon Jungkook craves or desires" he chuckled sipping on the red wine and a man standing behind him holding huge black guns opened the suitcase full of dollars

"Yours words My command, in the next Few weeks Kim Taehyung will be dead under your feet Mr.jeon"

Love you all 💙💜

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