chapter 39

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"S-Sir Mr. Kim Namjoon wants to meet you" The maid who gave you a drink earlier Uttered making sure to glue her face on her feet, as he just hummed lightly before again shutting the door and looking at your still unconscious figure

He picked a few tissues and started to wipe your skin wherever his cum touched your skin, He buttoned your shirt and looked at your face with a smile, and traced his thumb on your bottom lip, Attaching his forehead with yours, he Placed his lips on the back of his thumb and the front on your lips

"I don't want to kiss you now, I need you in your right senses to reciprocate My feelings" He let out while kissing your forehead, and picked you up in a bridal style, and smiled widely. Your hands floated in the air as he took his every step toward the room where you and Taehyung were staying currently

As the maid noticed your figure with him just outside the room you were staying, she quickly opened for him and stepped aside as her hands were Sligh trembling looking at your unconscious figure. He placed you on the bed as he fixed The blanket around you and made sure to turn on the air conditioner, giving you a last peck he left the room going downstairs

"Hyung?" He questioned looking at Namjoon as Jae trailed his eyes from his head to toe, and looked at Namjoon with Slight worry over his eyes "Where's y/n" Namjoon asked as Jungkook took his place opposite of him

"How can I know? Must be in her room" he let out with a chuckle at his sudden question as he always knew how smart the guy sitting in front of him is, Maybe he could fool the whole world but not him

Namjoon shared a look with Jae before continuing "Jae wants to live with his Mom" He let out as now jungkook got more comfortable on the couch, his legs widely spread as he threw his head back and smirked "I know" his short answer was enough for Jae to raise his brows

"You won't try stopping me?" Jae asked and jungkook looked at him with a smirk dangling over his face "No My child do whatever you want" he let out taking out the cigarette from his pocket and lit it up placing the thin hollow stick between his lips as he inhaled deeply and closed his eyes while remembering the previous moment he spent with you

"Jungkook If you are planning something sick so get a halt, we can never recover our past, and once you lost something you will never be able to get it again, and that too when that thing now already belongs to someone else" Hearing namjoon's words jungkook shot opened his eyes as he trailed his gaze from his cold expression to his eyes

"Belongs to someone else? What does that mean Hyung? Sadly My Heart didn't teach me to share" He got on his feet and gave a glare to Jae "How much a person can run from their reality? In the last, they have to get engulfed In it no matter how hard they try to run from it, Desires are not created by a person but they are born within a Person" Jungkook let out as he fixed his wristwatch and buttoned the button of his jacket before going from there without giving any Greeting or anything

He smirked going out as he saw A familiar figure entering the Mansion of Taehyung, they both glared at each other but jungkook just gave him a playful smirk before exhaling the smoke from his lips and again continuing to smoke

"Mr. Kim" Jae let out as Taehyung looked at Jae and presented a small smile and looked at Namjoon as if he was trying to recall where he saw that person before and suddenly it clicked to him

"Nerd with chicks?" Taehyung whispered but The other two people in the room heard him, Namjoon laughed loudly as he extended his hand for a handshake to Taehyung who embarrassingly looked at him, that's what the students used to call him in their high school and uni time

"That was then but now this Nerd with chicks is getting old so now chicks Mr. Kim" Taehyung laughed at his positive comeback as he sat in front of him and the maids brought some drinks for the guys over the living room

"You guys know each other?" Jae asked sipping on his juice as Taehyung nodded and smiled remembering the moments of his High school and uni time, the golden days of his life when he was free to do anything was chilling the whole day on his dad's money

"Yea Not too much But I remembered Mr. Kim Taehyung being one of the most popular guys in the school, almost every girl used to drool over him and his perfect athlete personality. Most of the football championships were won by him giving him a huge competition with your dad" Namjoon's words made him chuckle as he Smiled while agreeing with his words with a playful expression covering his face

"And talking about Mr. Namjoon well he was The hot Nerd with chicks On his every side, 'The hot guy with specks and a black bike every morning sharp at 7:00 am in front of the school gates' That's how people used to recognize him" Jae smiled Hearing taehyung as he again sipped on his juice thinking about you, he looked at his fingers and thought how would you must be in your school or uni time, How his parents must have met each other and how His dad would have Did every shit to get his Mom's attention

"Anything about My mom? As I heard she was in the same school and uni as you guys" Jae asked looking at both the elders as Taehyung's smile faded and Namjoon gulped while putting the juice from his hand on the table

"I will tell you about it some other day child" Namjoon tried playing cool but Jae was sure he was trying to hide something as now Jae looked at him suspiciously too, Taehyung knows that you were with Jungkook from school time and even got pregnant in an early time with Jae

"Yeah why don't you tell us how exactly y/n was during our school or uni time as more than me you guys were close to her those days"

Love you all 💙💜

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