chapter 28

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[Y/n's pov]

I clenched my fist as I watched his back from the mirror of the room caressing Jae's hair, The moment he entered the room I exited the room, it was horrible when I faced him again after everything. It surely haunted me,  I called out his name other than that we didn't share any words further

It's been ten minutes and he's still inside with My son, after hearing Mrs.jeon one thing is much clearer to me Jungkook is not the right person for my son, I don't know what happened but it's crystal clear that it's related to Hana and if it's something to do with her so how can jungkook keep himself away? He can't even take care of Jae, he is this frustrated that My child is relaxing by going to clubs and drinking

I have to be strong for Jae and for myself now, I accepted the fact that he was not a good husband but guess what he's not even a good father, I can't let Jae grow under such guidance, I've to bring my child in a better place, I want my Jae's custody, I hope this time Jae will support me. Jungkook is not the one for either of us. truly a cunning man and I don't want my son to be like him

I'll take my son's responsibility,  I will raise him and let him feel what letting go actually means, I can't let my child be in a toxic household anymore, the jeons are shiny faces just in the magazines but in their four walls they're the people surrounded with darkness

I diverted my attention toward the door when it burst open revealing Jungkook, his hairs were slightly parted on his forehead and it seemed like he just come running from a meeting, Still, he was so busy with his office work that he didn't even know  his child is missing since midnight and wasted in a club

"T-Thanks for b-being here w-" Before he could even complete his words, I walked past him and shut the Door of Jae's room and turned to the other side walking past him to get away from his presence which was making me feel horrible

I don't know what I will say to Taehyung now, he won't like it a bit when I will tell him that I encountered my ex-husband, but isn't somewhere we both knew that we both had to face our past. I need to tell him now otherwise it would be kind of worse when he comes to know about jungkoom from someone other, I already told him about my past relationship but now I should be clear to him.

I took huge steps to cover my distance from the ward but his piercing gaze at me was so obvious to know he kept on staring at me, I almost ran from the ward to the

I entered the canteen area and spotted Taehyung scrolling down his phone and Jera having sandwiches, as he spotted me he waved his hands toward me and smiled widely, I smiled back at him nervously "You done?" I asked settling in front of him "Nah Ms. Han he was waiting for you to arrive sorry I was too hungry and I already started, you guys have your time I will just go on check on Jae" Jera wiped her lips with the tissue and waved at me before going outside

"What took you so long?" He asked placing his phone in front of me so that I could notice all the texts and calls he made to me "My phone's dead and I've to say something to you tae" I let out and he caressed the back of my hand with his slender fingers in a comforting manner

"I met J-Jungkook, I h-hope it will not aff-" Before I could even complete my words, he chuckled pecking my knuckle
"You serious? Let's not talk about him y/n, he was your past and we both knew that we had to encounter him someday" his words were comforting for a reason to me, he understands me so well

"I want to take Jae's custody do you think it will be easy for me?" I asked lowering my gaze as he cupped my cheeks and caressed my tear-tinted skin "I will appoint the best lawyer for you If You want Jae's custody so I'm with you in this y/n Keep sharing your feelings with me so I can understand you better" he's the guy I never thought I will encounter the most loving human being, the most beautiful person I ever met in my life

"And if you're planning to give him a dad so I can you know apply for it" he giggled and I smiled knowing he had just indirectly proposed to me for marriage, I don't even know if I deserve him or not

"I love you "

"I love you more love"


I sat near Jae as he smiled at me and grasped my hands in his, it's almost evening and he finally woke up a few minutes earlier as the doctor checked him and we all were allowed to meet him, Mrs.jeon was on the other side of him and Jera sitting beside me

The only figure that was distant from us was jungkook who was leaning over the wall in front of Jae while his hands tugged in his pocket, Taehyung had some important call so he went to attend to them. "It hurts bad" Jae let out showing his bandage-wrapped head, I caressed his cheek with my thumb "It will be ok Jae, You need to have so much rest now" I let out as I felt Jera resting her head over my shoulder, she must be tired as well after being here with Jae most of the time and keep running in the corridor to call the doctor if Jae was making a slight movement

"Please s-stay Mom" I heard his voice cracking as he tightly held my hands into his grip, I wiped his tear and pecked his forehead and then cheek "I'm here Jae, I'm always with you my child" I let out as he broke down into more tears making me feel worse as a mother who can't do anything to protect him

"I mean with me in Jeon's mansion till I get well"


Love you all 💜💙

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