chapter 44

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"My Room" He uttered in an intimidating tone and quickly roamed his eyes on his surroundings, he had a slight idea about what you were doing here and he wanted his assumption to be true

"What are you doing here? Missed me isn't it? You also want Eunji to be yours, isn't it? Just accept it that you still love me" He uttered with a smile taking a few steps closer to you, his hands folded over his chest as a grin plastered over his face

You rolled your eyes at him before slightly again pulling her cotton pants a little upward to show the marks to him "Dad? A great dad who doesn't even know what their child is going through. I can't believe how I easily let Jae be with you, what do you even know? Just making false assumptions isn't it ?" His eyes landed on the marks and his eyes widened, He was noticing the marks for the first time too, His life was surrounded by files and meetings that he never tried to be with his children, and he thought providing them with enough money would be fine and enough as a father but he forgot to lend his warmth to them

"That's probably something like someone has hit her with a sharp object But how can you know? Alas Your meetings are much more important " You uttered in a taunting way, he gritted his teeth and trailed his fingers on her marks, You know he was losing his temper and that's the least you wanted at this moment, you are not here to deal with his anger issue "LINA" he shouted, The maid who takes care of her most of the time beside Hana

She immediately came running into the room huffing and her eyes landed on the marks that jungkook was indicating while ragging, She trembled with fear as sweat dripped from her forehead, and tears burst into her eyes as she knew she couldn't hide anything anymore "FUCKING CHEAP SLU-" Before he could even continue, You slapped his bicep making him shut, He looked at you and sighed heavily "Let her explain herself you can't just come to any conclusions" She looked at you while Sobbing as you went near her figure trying to pat her shoulder, It was sure she was terrified with everything

"Lina, Get relaxed if you don't utter anything everyone will think that you are the culprit" you let out as she wiped her tears and looked at you "Mrs jeon, S-She a-always let o-out her anger and f-frustration on The b-baby. She threatened me to not utter it to anyone otherwise she would kick me out and even make my and my children's lives a living hell, I'm a single mother and I need money to provide for my kids Mam, I-I'm s-sorry" she burst into tears and you were frightened with her confession, Hana can be a worst sister but you never thought she would turn out a bad mother too

"S-She wanted Mr.jeon to give her attention b-but after lots of fights with each other, To m-make Sir regret she s-started abusing their b-baby as she knew how precious she's for Sir" she uttered gazing at her feet and her whole body trembling due to being nervous, You peeked at jungkook's stiffen figure

"Lina go call Mr.Kim, The Family doctor" You let out, and as she rushed out of the door, Jungkook's mother and Taehyung came inside the Room, taehyung knitted his brows looking in your way as you went toward him, The baby in your hands squealed looking at Taehyung

"What happened here? Why Lina went like that" Mrs jeon asked looking at You and Eunji in your arms as Jungkook's figure was still stiff but he clenched his jaw noticing your figure tiptoeing at Taehyung to peck his lips
He came out of his thoughts immediately and bit on his bottom lip while clenching his fist as if he was ready to throw his hands

"Why are you here?" Taehyung asked and you knew many things must be going on inside his brain and you probably didn't want any unwanted misunderstanding between you both "I heard her crying and no one was there so came to check her out" You presented a great lie that even made jungkook to look at you in disbelief, His thoughts and hopes crashed with your words

"Hana is waiting downstairs for you jungko-" Before his mom even can take his name he glared at her and went outside of the room, shouting her name like a manic, Taehyung looked at you and then at the baby, his eyes halted on the marks as you nodded your head and he understood what actually was going on "Knew it just like a lover she can't even be a great mother" he uttered too loud that even Mrs.jeon heard it and came toward your way

Before you could proceed further Hana came upstairs and looked at everyone but her eyes halted on you and the baby in your arms, she looked at jungkook who grasped her arms as he pulled her toward you "WHAT IS THIS" he shouted out too loud that even the baby in your hands flinched "W-what?" Hana shuttered playing dumb making jungkook angrier more "AND why MY BABY IS WITH HER" Hana yelled at you extending her hands to get Eunji in her hands but jungkook pulled her too harshly and yanked her onto the ground, she looked at him in disbelief

"YOU FUCKING WERE ABUSING HER HANA! YOU ARE NOT A MOTHER BUT A FUCKING MONSTER" Jungkook's mother gasped as she immediately gazed at Eunji and noticed the marks which you now revealed completely while taking her cotton pants, and Slightly covering her body with her baby blanket


"NOT A WORD ABOUT MY GIRLFRIEND FROM YOUR FILTHY MOUTH SHOULD BE OUT, YOUR HEART IS JUST AS DISGUSTING AS YOUR PERSONALITY AND EVERYONE KNOWS WELL WHO'S THE FUCKING SLUT HERE, A HOMEWRECKER SAYING SUCH WORDS IS UNBELIEVABLE" Taehyung yelled but you immediately clasped his hands in yours to make him shut, Jungkook looked at your tensed figure and the way you clutched your arms around Taehyung triggered his anger more

"FUCKING HALT YOUR WORDS OTHERWISE YOU HAVE ALREADY MADE ME LOSE MY MIND I DON'T WANT TO EXTEND MORE" Jungkook's each words made Hana gulp as she sobbed trying to get on her feet

"Why You both are fighting me for her? SHE'S THE ONE WHO WANTS TO RUIN EVERYTHING I WILL FUCKING NOT LEAVE HE-" She cut off her words and groped the glass from the dressing table, throwing it on the floor it shattered as she picked one of the sharp pieces and instantly made her way toward you and before anyone could even react, she tried stabbing you with it but you instantly groped the glass piece which probably slashed your skin as blood trickled through your palm

Jungkook's eyes widened as he immediately grasped Hana and a Slap landed on her cheek making her fall on the floor the Glass piece struck the bare skin of her legs making her groan in pain

The baby in your arms started crying as You signaled Mrs.jeon to take her out of the room, Taehyung immediately caught your bleeding hand but you shook your head and threw an assuring smile to calm him down, "It's nothing Tae Relax" You let out but he looked at you in disbelief due to the sudden psychopathic act from Hana, Hana cried grasping jungkook's legs but he just pushed her away

"FUCKING DON'T TOUCH ME THAT'S IT I'M DONE" he shouted at her as he scanned your bleeding hand which was in Taehyung's grasp,He gritted his teeth as Hana also noticed the way he was looking at you

"We are fucking not staying here anymore y/n, That's it  I won't let you be here at any cost now"

Love you all 💙💜

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