Skipping Math

13 4 9

With how little sleep I've had throughout the night, it adds up that I'm terribly tired this morning. 

But hey, at least it's Friday. It's the last day of school and... shit! My poems are due today! I haven't worked on them since I was in the library with Mrs. Laney!

I groan and roll out of my bed. 

Literally, because my blankets decide they're not ready to part with me and grasp onto me, wrapping their sheet-like arms around me and ultimately forcing me to hug the floor. Then they land on top of me, pinning me to the ground so I can no longer leave them.

I'm being dramatic, of course.

"Khai, are you alright?" My mom calls to me.

"Yeah... my blankets fell on the floor." I reply.

"That sounded heavier than blankets."

"I was... in them when they fell."

Suddenly, I smell pancakes, and by some unknown miracle, I'm free of my sheets in just seconds.

"Did you make pancakes?" I ask as I quickly undress from my pajamas and throw on an outfit, then head out my bedroom where I see my mom standing at the edge of the kitchen, a knowing smile on her face.

"You made pancakes!" I rush down the stairs to give her a quick hug, then seat myself at the table, eagerly awaiting to be served.

"Your favourite, the chocolate chip ones." My mom raises her eyebrows and places a plate of steaming pancakes in front of me, and in that moment, I completely forget everything that has been bothering me. 

There's nothing a little chocolate chip pancakes can't fix.

I step outside and take a deep breath. Today, I will make it to school without getting lost. 

I managed to make it home yesterday. I did stray a little, but I made it.

I glance to the right, and suddenly notice a figure standing there. It's Tyrone.

"Khai." Is all he says at first, but I'm just relieved he's using a calm tone. Maybe I have a higher chance that he'll forgive me?

"Tyrone, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to get you in trouble-"


"I tried to talk to Mr. Williams but he didn't seem intent on changing his mind-"


"But I really don't want you to hate me. I don't want you to be mad at me, I'm really sorry..."

"Khai, I don't want to hear it." There's a sad look on his face, and I pause for a second.

"I don't want you to hate me." I repeat in a doleful tone. I swallow the lump in my throat and look down at the ground.

Suddenly, there's two hands on my face, and Tyrone tilts my head upwards so I'm forced to look into his face. 

I feel blood rush to my face and tingles course throughout my entire body.

"Khai..." His voice is gentle. "I don't want to hear it because you shouldn't have to be saying it in the first place. I wish you didn't have to say that or feel that way. I hate it even more that I'm the one who caused that. Could barely sleep last night, thinking about how much of an asshole I was towards you when you were just feeling scared and vulnerable. You didn't deserve that at all. I was unfair and unreasonable, because you had every reason to report that. I should've taken responsibility for my actions instead of put the blame on you. So shut up and don't apologize. Let me do that. I'm really sorry I lashed out at you." Tyrone pauses, and I take a moment to work through everything.

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