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AUGUST 16TH, 2021

8:23 AM

i knew nate was upset about last night. he wouldn't return any of my calls. it was a tradition that we would wake up together on the first day of school and show up together. guess it was different this year.

i opened my locker and stared at my reflection in the mirror.

"where's nate?" maddy asked me as she landed against the locker beside me. "i didnt fuck him last night so he's pissed. probably stayed home cause he has blue balls." i replied.

maddy chuckled at that. i could see him coming in my reflection. we had first period together. anatomy. i wanted to see if he would say anything to me. he didnt. instead he walked his mad ass to class.

i looked at maddy and shut my locker. "did that bitch really just walk past me?"

she shrugged. "girl go get your man.." she said. i rolled my eyes and walked into the class. he was sitting by myself, so i went to take the seat next to him. but some stupid ass bitch sat there first.

"excuse you," i said while clutching my bag tightly. i was trying not to sock her in her chin. she looked up at me and then nate. "its the first day, there's no assigned seats."

"gwen don't do anything stupid." nate mumbled. "im sorry nate, what was that?" i asked as i stood directly in front of him. his head was down and he was looking at something on his phone.

"hey, do you mind just getting up please?" nate asked her nicely. so she did. but she called me a crazy bitch on the way over to her new seat. i sat down and put my bag on the table.

"so... no good morning?" i asked nate. he looked at me and back at his phone. "good morning." he was hooked on something. i had to get his attention. it was stupid, but it was either deal with his attitude all day which would make me have an attitude or make him happy.

i opened a piece of gum, looked at him, pulled a pencil out of my bag rolled it on the floor, went to throw away my gum and "oops" i dropped my pencil. i slowly bent over to pick it up and when i set it back on the table he was staring. i threw away my gum wrapper and headed back to the table.

when i sat down he turned his phone off and put it in his backpack.

"okay class, im mrs. tatum your new anatomy teacher for the year, lets start with an icebreaker."

while everyone else said their names and three things they did this summer. i couldn't help but notice nate fiddling with the female genital model. "nate stop." i said and attempted to take it from him.

"what, im just practicing.." he whispered. it was my turn to speak.

"hi, im gwen.. um i went to a modeling camp over the summer, thats pretty much it." i shrugged. in my peripheral i could see nate slowly sticking his fingers in the vagina. he was also looking at me too.

"thank you gwen," mrs. tatum said.

"hey, im nate. three things i did this summer," he set the model down and chuckled, "well, i worked out, slept a lot and became celibate because this one was at modeling camp" he said pointing at me.

i put my head down because what the fuck could posses him to mention me.

"thank you nate"

while the teacher went through the other students, he continued to play with the model. "you know, it was a hard two months not touching you gwen." he whispered.

"sounds like a you problem nate," i said. he chuckled at set the model down. "you're so fucking difficult." he pulled his phone out again and began texting whoever had his attention.

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