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AUGUST 27TH, 2022

8:12 PM

"welcome to east highlands annual banquet for football and dance!" i said into the mic. alongside me was maddy and nate.

"tonight is all about celebrating our new and existing members on the teams, raising money for the teams, and having fun! so to the right of me we have our table dedicated to hors d'oeuvres. in the back we have our open bar, adults only. and at 8:45, everyone will take their seats to be served and place bids for the auction!"

everyone clapped and cheered.

"well, i won't keep you waiting! everyone enjoy!"

i then stepped off the stage with the help of nate and maddy.

"so where's elliot?" maddy asked me.

"he'd rather stay at home and work on a song," i shrugged and stepped over to the hors d'oeuvres table. i popped a crab rangoon in my mouth and licked the remaining cream cheese from my fingers "i mean i told him he didnt have to come. i know big crowds aren't his thing anyways," i shrugged and grabbed a plate.

i began filling it with things from a charcuterie board, grabbed a few vegetables, and dips.

maddy looked at me funny as i put a piece of salami in my mouth. "girl, are you pregnant or something?"

i looked down at my stomach and back at her. "i dont know," i said and began chewing on a baby pickle. i took my plate over to nate, marsha and my moms table. although we weren't together, our moms still held a tight relationship. it could be them just simply being friends in high school.

"you do realize that dinner will be served in about twenty minutes? right?" nate said while staring down my plate. "why is everybody so interested in my food choices all of a sudden!"

"relax, when have i ever cared about what you ate?" nate chuckled. i stared at him then my plate, "whatever, nate." i said then shoved another crab rangoon down my throat.

"you bidding tonight?" i asked him.

"nothing really interests me, besides. students cannot bid," he replied.

"oh, how beautiful you looked up there, gwen." marsha said as she turned her head towards me. i finished chewing and smiled with no teeth. "thank you, i try." i said.

"its a shame, you know. you and nate not being together anymore." marsha said after taking a sip from her seventh glass of wine.

"i mean, i think it was for the best. nates becoming a better person actually. he's growing maturely." i said. nate smiled. "yeah, mom. ive actually learned what feelings are."

"well, i mean all you do is talk about her and when you're not doing that you're either sulking or jerking off."

my eyes winded.

"okay, i think you've had a little too much to drink," my mom said as she took marsha away.

nate got up as well, but it only led to me following him. "nate!"

he stopped and sighed, "what?" he asked me.

"you still talk about me?"

"yes, gwen. what else can i do? i mean ive settled being friends with elliot, but it still doesn't erase the fact that he's treating you better than i ever could. and now that ive changed it hurts even more because i actually had the potential to be a good boyfriend."

"seems like you need a drink," i said and handed him a water bottle filled with vodka. he took a couple of sips before hissing loudly. he then wiped his mouth and nodded. "right, so.."

OFF THE TABLE, EUPHORIA 🎦Where stories live. Discover now