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8:54 AM

"heard you were with fez last night." nate said as i sat next to him in anatomy. "yeah, so?" i shrugged. the only reason that i was with fez was cause he wanted me to try this new strain. well the new strain never came and we just got drunk.

"i dont get it gwen, you and him have never hung out this much." nate said.

"please dont start. i have a really bad hangover," i groaned and set my head down.

"yeah whatever."

it was true, that hangover was kicking my ass. i decided to text maddy because she always kept a hangover kit in her locker.

"take three of these, the bottle says two but theyre kind of outdated." she said as she handed me a bottle of tylenol. she began looking for more things in her locker. "here's some cheerios, gatorade, cup o noodles, skinny pop and a dr.pepper."

"do i have to eat it all?" i asked her.

"only if you want to feel better." she shrugged and shut her locker. "thanks maddy, you're the best." i said.

i then headed to my car where nate was standing. "where are you going?" he asked me. i shrugged, "i dont know, home."

"seems pretty early, gwen." nate said.

"i need to rest nate, im like really fucked up." i moaned. "well, im not letting you drive like that. give me your keys." he said.

i tossed him my keys and got in on the passenger side. i set my feet on the dash and reclined my seat back.

when we got to my house, nate carried me out of my car and to my bed.

"want me to stay?" he asked. "whatever." i said and rolled over to my side. i closed my eyes for a second, next thing i know my doorbell is ringing and rue is in my bedroom.

"the fuck?" i whispered to myself. i looked on the other side of the bed and nate was gone.

"yo, are you okay?" rue asked me. i rolled my eyes. "no.." i moaned, "why are you here rue?"

"dont take this personally, but im very fucking suspicious of nate."

"and you're telling me this why?"

"so he didnt tell you how he basically coerced jules into putting some random dude in jail?" rue asked me.

"what the fuck rue?" i said and wiped my eyes.

"oh shit," she paced back and forth.

"damn rue, sit the fuck down you're making me dizzy." i said. she sighed.

"okay listen, this may be hard to hear... jules was texting this "guy", shyguy118. his name was tyler. now, this so called tyler and jules were texting for weeks."

"wait, wait.. who's tyler?" i used confusedly.

"im getting there," rue said, "so, they decided they would meet at the lake after the carnival. and when they did, jules said that tyler did not look like his picture. so this is where it gets all conspirafied."

"rue, conspirafied is not a word." i said.

"can i finish? so, get this. she sent his nudes, he sent them back."

i knew exactly where this was going.

"she says he's conservative, he's a jock," rue said, "now look it may not be coming together just yet, but hear this. tyler clarkson just got booked for "assault", the same tyler clarkson that was at that party."

"im still not on the train rue, get to the point." i blurted.

"right, okay. well im not one hundred percent sure why nate would rat on jules, but it could be because she rejected him." rue shrugged.

"this is bullshit, also im confused as to what this has to do with so called tyler clarkson." i tilted my head.

"okay well, back to the nudes. jules could get in trouble for child pornography, and so could nate.

"that wasnt nates dick." i blurted.

"oh? then my hypothesis is faulty. i need to work on this." rue said as she walked around my bedroom.

"rue, stop! who ever this tyler person is is in jail. whatever happened between jules and nate doesn't concern you or me." i said.

she stopped and looked at me. "where is nate?"

i shrugged. "he's probably at home. he was here like an hour-" i looked outside and it was pitch black.

"rue, what time is it?"

"its 9 pm."

"shit!" i yelled. i then jumped out of bed to get dressed.

"um, where are you going?" rue asked me.

"i was supposed to meet fez-"

"can i come?" rue said excitedly.

"no, you cannot come. you are not welcome to stay here rue. you dont need to go home but you do need to get the fuck out of here." i chuckled.

"look, i will come back to you with what i find out, but there is no guarantee you will not be hurt in the end."

"im always hurting rue." i said. i then followed behind her to go to fez's shop. when i arrived, nate was saying something to fez. i got out and smiled. neither one of them had a smile on their faces. it was like something happened.

fez looked at me with pure disappointment in his eyes.

"you thirsty?" nate asked me. i grabbed a strawberry kiwi snapple and handed it to nate.

"hey, fez." i said.

"hey." he said back.

"12.54" he said to nate.

nate pulled out a twenty. "keep the change." he said. we then walked back to our vehicles. "umm, so what happened over there?"

"we just had a little talk. nothing serious. you coming over?" nate asked me. i shook my head no.

"nah, i just came to get something to drink. thanks by the way."

"drive safe. love you." nate said.

"love you too." i said back.

i then headed home. not even two hours later, another knock at my door. it was fez.

"yo look, i just came to talk to you about yo shitty ass boyfriend." fez said.

"chill. what did he do."

"he threatened me cause i told his ass about himself. he need to leave jule and rue alone." fez said.


"thats what i said. jule." he repeated.

"its jules fez. with an s."

"i dont give a fuck, gwen. tell him to chill out or im gonna have to take care of his ass. you know i love you, but he on my last nerve." fez said.

"listen, fez i didnt know about shit until earlier when rue came around here yelling about it. im sorry, ill talk to him."

"its coo, just get him under control. ill see you later," fez said.

this shit was so fucked up. first he was low-key cheating on me. by texting another girl, then he tricked her into sending him nudes, then he put someone in jail. i didnt know if i could keep on with this.

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