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7:28 PM

"hey, you gotta get to school." cal said as he shook my arm lightly. my eyes fluttered as i slowly woke up. i sighed and stood up slowly.

i looked at nate. he was sleeping. his face was pretty fucking messed up.

"will you tell nate i was here?" i said. cal nodded.

i then left his room. elliot was standing outside waiting for me.

"you want  coffee?" he asked me as he handed me a cup. "thanks." i said softly.

we then headed to school together. elliot was like my new best friend. he was caring, he was funny, he was cute.

"so, that girl rue is kissing is jules. theyre together or something." i said as we walked towards my locker.

"cool." elliot replied.

"also, do me a huge favor, dont mentions rue sobriety thing and how you almost killed her on new years eve." i said and put on a fake smile.

"you will not let me live that down, will you?" elliot chuckled.

"nope." i said and took a sip of my coffee that was now cold. "act clueless." i said as we entered their vicinity.

"yo, rue." elliot said as he walked up. "he looked at jules and then rue," whats going on?" he asked her.

"hi." jules said softly. "hi," elliot said back.

"nothing." rue said.

"im jules," jules said politely.

now here's the tea on jules. i found out from a little birdie that jules fucked cal. nates dad. this was totally reliable, being what happened at the carnival. so not only did jules fuck cal, she sent nudes to nate who wasnt nate but still was nate.

"sorry this is jules," rue said. she was all fidgety and shit. probably because she didnt want us to say anything about what happened on new years.

"hey, im elliot. nice to meet you." he said nicely.

"sorry, introductions are usually very overwhelming and debilitating for me." rue said.

"uh, so how do you know elliot?" jules asked rue.

"i introduced them. elliot was my plus one to the new years party and we found rue sitting alone so we all hungout." i lied.

"oh shit, yeah. new years, thats where we met." rue chuckled nervously. "jules is my girlfriend." rue blurted.

"wow...i didnt know you were, um--"

"in a relationship?" jules said rudely.

"elliot, its probably time for us to go to class." i said as i "checked" my watch.

"yeah me too, nice meeting you." jules said as she walked off.

"ew, gag, what the fuck was that?" i asked rue and elliot.

"that was awkward.." elliot said.

"yeah," rue replied.

"well, rue you dont have to worry about elliot ratting you out because i told him everything." i shrugged.

"everything as in..?"

"how you're supposed to be sober but relapsed and jules doesn't know about it." elliot said.

"thats just jolly isn't it." rue said.

"rue its not a bad thing," elliot smiled.

"its a bad thing," i grabbed elliots hand, "were going to class. bye rue," i said and walked off.

OFF THE TABLE, EUPHORIA 🎦Where stories live. Discover now