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93 3 0


OCTOBER 30TH, 2021

6:11 PM

"well, the rape kit results came back." my mom said as she threw the envelope on the island counter.

finally, it had been like over a month

"i already know what its gonna say." i shrugged and stuffed a handful of goldfish in my mouth before opening it.

"negative." i said as i set the result sheet down. "so now what?" i asked her.

"i guess they drop the invest-" her phone then rang.

i opened signal to text nate.

results are negative, see you tonight love youuuuuu

i attempted to read my mothers lips and what she was saying, but obviously wasnt working because i literally didnt understand a word. when she was off the phone she sighed.

"i hate that my precious little girl is having sex, but the case is dropped and you are free to see nate."

"so you dont mind us being together?" i smiled. "oh trust me, i definetly mind. dont have sex in my house. unless im not here."

yeah thats been going on for a while. in the kitchen, her bed, her bathroom, the living room, the den, on the pool table, the backyard, the pool (lots of times), once even in the laundry room.

"well, im going to a halloween party tonight, so i won't be coming home." i said and hopped off the barstool. i then headed to my room to wait for nate to respond.

we had talked about being a prisoner and a cop. me being the cop obviously. my phone buzzed, but it wasnt nate.

ASHTRAY : so wen u getting tatted????

ME : you're crazy kid

ASHTRAY : let me do it now

ME : again, crazy, delusional, loco

ASHTRAY : pussy ass

ME : fuck you

ASHTRAY : gladly

ME : pervertttt

ASHTRAY : got the needle ready 4 u, u should get my name

ME : hnn

ASHTRAY : dont make me cum pick u up and have to embarrass you

ME : you cant even drive

ASHTRAY : ill give u a free gram

ME : you aint shit fr

ME : omw

ASHTRAY : bett

i headed over to fez's shop. kind of sketchy that a 12 year old was doing a tattoo in the back of a freezer.

i sat in the chair. "if i get syphilis, im going to literally kill you."

"relax, baby. im not gonna fuck you up," he sat in front of me, "now what you want again?"

"a smiley face, ash" i said.

"well, you're gonna have to take your shirt off," he shrugged.

"um, no. do it on the top." i said. he rolled his eyes. "you're a fucking prude."

the tattoo was done within five minutes. and of course ash definitely tried to get a few squeezes in which i got on his ass for.

"you going to the halloween party, gwen?" fez asked me as he stepped into the freezer. i nodded. "you?"

OFF THE TABLE, EUPHORIA 🎦Where stories live. Discover now