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AUGUST 29TH, 2022

10:41 PM

"so," i stood at the entrance of my closet looking at both elliot and maddy who were sitting on my bed, "we have a lot to discuss, senior cotillion, our senior trip, which by the way, we still need to come up with an idea, the pep rally slash parade-"

"okay, dont you think were moving a little too fast?" elliot asked me as he looked up from his phone.

"um, this is reality, elliot. we are seniors, and these are some of the biggest moments that we will most likely not remember," i shrugged.

"im gonna go get a drink," he said then left my room.

"okay, whats with him?" maddy asked me.

"hell if i know. its like ever since nate and i have been mutual again he's been all in his feelings, which i dont think its that serious considering i would never get back with nate but,"

"maybe you need couples therapy, that always worked with your parents right?" maddy asked me.

"if you count the outcome of them separating and living in different houses while still married and seeing other people then yes, maddy! it did work." i said sarcastically. you probably wonder why i dont mention my parents often. well, freshman year (also when nate and i made it official), my mom and dad thought it'd be best if they took a break from each other, reason unknown. with my dad being a big salesman for east highland, and mom being an infamous author, i almost had the perfect life. i wasn't sure they loved each other. when i started dating nate, thats what made me realize it wasnt that they loved each other, they needed space.

well, my dad moved to la while i stayed with my mom because i didn't want to leave my friends and boyfriend. i havent heard from my dad since and i would not like to ever.

elliot then came back upstairs and handed us each a bottle of spiked lemonade. i cracked it open and took a few swigs. "was ashtray in the kitchen?" i asked elliot. he nodded.

"he was with that girl, from school."

"oh really?" i said. i was very amused he had found someone his own age to hit on. "yeah, seems like theyre getting along pretty well." elliot smiled.

"well, speaking of cotillion, when are we going to know our escorts?" maddy blurted.

"escorts? why am i never in the loop?" elliot said after taking a sip of the spiked lemonade. i was the reason elliot was never in the loop.

before he was enrolled to east highland, escorts were already assigned, that being if you were a student athlete or involved in the schools politics. back to the list, there's two "men" that are supposed to be present at the cotillion for one girl. one of the men being your father (if you had one), and a guy from the football team (if you were a dancer). nate made prior arrangements with the captain. at first he wasn't going for it for the sole fact that escorts were meant to be chosen by random, so nate payed the coach to do it. and that being said, for four years, we were tied together, and still are.

i believe the reason the coach didn't want us to be forced together was if it didn't work out. and that was proven many times.

"well, every year at east highland, they hold a cotillion. and um, athletes are presented by their parent or parents, and in my case and maddy's, a member from the football team. and basically, at the cotillion, our sponsors announce awards and they recognize the student body and other things," i smiled.

elliot sat with a straight face.

"youre welcome to go but if youre not in the program you have to make a small donation fee of fifty dollars." maddy said abruptly.

"is it going to be full of white rich folks?" elliot asked. maddy winced.

"i'll pass." he sighed and laid back on my pillow.

"well, im gonna head home, its late. see you guys tomorrow," maddy said and kissed my cheek. after she left i hopped into the spot next to elliot. "finally," i rolled my eyes, "ive been waiting all night to taste you," i whispered.

he chuckled, "oh really?" he then grabbed a condom from my nightstand, "are we putting this to good use?"

i grinned and took the gold wrapper from him. he undressed himself while i ripped the condom open. he took it from me and put it on. while waiting for me to get undressed, he watched. with a grin.

"are you ready?" i whispered? he smiled and pulled me on top of him. next thing i know, the doorbell rang. since ash was in the kitchen, i hoped he had got it and elliot and i could continue.

"shit," i moaned quietly. then i heard a knock on the door, "should you get that?" elliot asked me while trying to catch his breath

"no, keep going," i said quietly. the knock grew louder, then a voice followed. "yo gwen, open the fuck up!" fez yelled.

this could not be real.

"shit, shit, shit," i said frantically. i then hopped out of bed leaving elliot completely exposed. i threw on his shirt and opened the door slightly.

"hey fez, what are you doing here?" i huffed. he chuckled, "were you busy or something? i could come back tomorrow if thats cool?"

"she was getting fucked," ash yelled from the living room. i rolled my eyes and stepped out to get fez. "yeah i can tell, your hair is.." fez then rubbed the top of my head, "a mess."

"shutup, fez." i smiled.

"i missed you," he said, "just wanted to stop by." he then looked over at ash who was rolling a blunt. "you cool with him smoking in here?" he whispered.

"as long as i get first hit," i smiled.

my bedroom door opened and elliot came out.

"who's this?" the both of them said simultaneously. i giggled, "uh, fez this is elliot my boyfriend. elliot, this is fez. hes like a brother to me. also thats that kids brother," i said as i pointed to ash coming towards me. he handed me the blunt and lit it. i took a hit and smiled, "see." i winked at fez. i then handed it to him but he declined.

"im sober," he surrendered his hands, "i got a big boy job."

"shit im not," elliot said and took the blunt from in between my fingers. he took a hit then handed it to ashtray. his hands rested on my hips.

"really? where do you work?" i asked him. he smiled, "i work at a car dealership,"

"he's getting the hook up so i can get that hell cat ive always wanted," ash said then took a hit. crazy that a fourteen year old smokes so casually.

"so where you staying, fez?"

"dont worry bout it, gwen. i got it." fez replied. i then eyed him. "well, it was nice seeing you, let me walk you out." i said. we then exited my apartment. when we got in the elevator, i finally spoke. a question that was bothering me for months.

"youre not dealing are you?" i asked him.

"gwen, chill out. i told you i work at a car dealership." he said then pulled a card out from his pocket, "free oil change."

i smiled, "fez im just.. i want you to be safe. i love you a lot, and so does ash. i dont know what i would do-"

"dont fucking think like that, gwen. i love y'all too, and im not leaving y'all like that. can you just trust me?" fez said. with the look on his face i couldn't say no.

"yes," i said.

he then stepped out of the elevator.

"goodnight, gwen. stay safe." he said then threw up a peace sign.

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