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71 2 0


JANUARY 21ST, 2022


"so, you going to lexi's play?" rue asked me as she walked up to me. i shrugged. "not sure."

"is elliot going?" she asked me. "why does it matter rue?"

"well, i just wanted to know if i could get a ride. and i also wanted to know if he'd be in the car with you."

"rue, whatever you and elliot have going on is none of my business, and you two need to leave me out of it." i said.

i then passed by maddy and smiled with a short wave. "see you at practice." i mouthed.

"well, if you do go. can you please let me know, i really-"

"fine, rue." i said then walked faster.

4:12 PM

i set my bag down on the spot next to me. for some reason, i was on edge for the whole entire day. it was most likely the guilt of having sex with nate last night. also could be the fact that they walked into school together the way that we used to.

the gym doors opened and it was nate.

"what do you want?" i asked him.

"dont worry, im not here for you. cassies quitting the team and i need to get her stuff out of the locker room." nate said

"one, cassie couldn't come get her stuff herself? and two, you cant go in the girls locker room you perv."

"you weren't calling me a perv last night." nate shrugged.

"dude, shut the fuck up." i said as i pushed him.

"relax, the cameras dont catch audio." he rolled his eyes, "well since i cant go in there, can you?"

"im not allowed to open any lockers that aren't mine." i said and folded my arms.

"you're such a prude." nate said.

"oh really? you weren't saying that last night after i let you-"

"um, what are you doing?" maddy said as she entered the gym with the rest of the girls.

"being a menace to society. get the fuck out of here." i said as i shoved nate.

he chuckled and shook his head. "whatever, gwen. see you later." he said then walked out of the gym with his hands in his pockets.

"um, what the fuck was that about?" maddy asked me as she set her bag next to mine. i rolled my eyes and sighed. "so, cassies quitting the team and nate brought his sorry ass in here to try and get her things."

"she's such a pussy." maddy said.

"i know right. i don't know if she thinks she's making me jealous but she's a dumb bitch and im gonna fuck her up when i get the chance." i shrugged.

maddy grinned. "thats what i like to hear."

practice was easy and simple being that we only had one more performance until dance season ended.

6:43 PM

i sat down in the seat next to elliot and smiled. "hey." i said and grabbed his hand. he smiled back and put his head on my shoulder.

nate turned around to look and see if i came. he didnt smile. instead, he chuckled and turned back around. no one knew what lexis play was about except lexi and the actors in it.

the play started off with lex reading a poem to what looked like rue, but wasnt rue.

"this is weird." elliot whispered. "shh." i whispered back.

OFF THE TABLE, EUPHORIA 🎦Where stories live. Discover now