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12:34 PM

"attention all students, please remain in your seats as i read off these important announcements," said our principal, "number one, curfew is 1 am, any later you will be on probation and privileges will be revoked. this will also result in a detention when we return to school grounds. number two, girls and boys shall stay in their respective areas before curfew as well, same consequences. number three, any drug paraphernalia or alcohol is non-permitted and if you are found using such or obtaining said items, you will be fined and sent home. otherwise, have fun and no violence!"

every one cheered and stood up in their seats.

"so," maddy leaned over the bus seat and looked at nate and gwen, "are we excited?"

"depends, do you think we'll get in trouble if we go topless?"

"youre not going topless," nate said nonchalantly.

nate was still dealing with the heartbreak of seeing his father behind bars and the loss of his best friend.

"not even for you," i asked nate as i grazed his chin.

he formed a slight smile, "only for me."

"gag, so corny." maddy turned around to grab something, "here, take a shot." she said as she held up the mini bottle of don julio.

i smiled and took the bottle. 

"youre serious?" nate asked me.

"what, cant a girl just have fun,"

"he literally just said if he finds that youre going home. give it to me gwen,"

"okay father," i said and rolled my eyes.

nate sighed and stood up grabbing mine and his bag, specifically the matching ones that he bought for this trip.

as everyone started getting off the bus, nate reached for my hand and firmly grasped it all the way to maddy and i's hotel room.

as east highland knew most people were already sexually active, but it was still not appropriate for girls and boys to share a room. so, maddy and nate came up with the deal that nate would stay with me while maddy used the money nate payed her to get a single joining room right next to ours.

nate set the bags on the bed and stared at me. 

"where's that liquor?"

"its in my pocket,"

"throw it away, gwen"

"what, why?"

"because i said so. i dont want you getting in trouble."

"nate, seriously? are you okay?"

"just listen to me, please."

"can you tell me whats wrong? is it your dad?"

"no it yours. i saw him when i was picking these up."

"you're serious?"

"gwen why would i lie to you?"

"fuck," i whispered.

"did he say anything to you?"

nate shook his head and sat on the bed. "we just saw each other, thats all."

"how the fuck is he still free?"

the adjacent door then opened, it was maddy.

"are we ready to get our drink on?" she said entering the room with a bigger bottle of don julio, "what the fuck, he's still here?"

"maddy, get out." nate said softly.

"youre just gonna-"

"maddy, please." i said.

she chuckled, "okay."

"why is that our dads our so shitty, i hope it doesn't run in our blood." i said cupping my boyfriends face. he sighed, "i wish i knew."

"i dont even want to be here anymore, honestly." i said then laid on the bed, "is that bad."

"i think," nate slid his hand against my thigh, "its one hundred percent valid. we can order room service, watch a movie, cuddle. what ever you want." he then planted a kiss on my calf.

"yeah?" i whispered and began rubbing his back. my acrylics grazed his skin, which he loved.

he crawled towards me and nuzzled his head into my neck, leaving small kisses every second.

i slowly put my hand in his waistband, signaling i wanted more. and thankfully, nate was good at catching hints.

"youre a bad girl, you know that?" he whispered.

nate was almost always the one to talk during sex, i just listened.

as we laid side by side, bare bodies, nate and i rested until he decided to speak.

"i have something for you," he whispered. he slowly got up and dug into his bag.

"close your eyes," he said. so i did.

i heard him shuffling around, and wanted to take a peek.

"open," he said.

when i opened my eyes, i saw him on one bended knee, holding my dream engagement ring. truth be told i couldn't believe it, but then i could. i knew nate was crazy, but crazy enough to propose.

i wasnt afraid of saying no, i was afraid of saying yes. i loved nate, i did. it was the simple fact that i knew if i said yes, my life would no longer be just me. it would be us. but it wasnt so bad to think about.

"youre gonna say no," nate said and slowly got up.


"yes what?"

"yes, i want to marry you."

he grabbed by hand gently, sliding the ring on my ring finger and kissed the top.

"were so stupid," i giggled.

"aren't we,"

"how much was this anyways?"

"come on youve been talking about this ring since we started dating,"

"i know five grand," i smiled, "youre sick, you know that?"

"i know," he said and kissed my lips.

8:11 PM

"i hope everyones first day has been enjoyable, tomorrow we will all meet at the beach for a beach day, then at night, senior luau."

i picked at the shrimp scampi that was served at the hotel buffet.

"youre not eating?" nate asked me.

"i was craving pizza." i shrugged.


"relax, im not pregnant nate." i giggled.

"well, instead of going to the party later, ill order us a pizza."

"you dont have to,"

"but i want to, for my future wife."

suddenly, we were interrupted by maddy.

"look at the size of that rock!" maddy said as she grabbed ahold of my hand. i smiled, "i know right, its gorgeous."

"so im thinking as your maid of honor, we do cheat print for the bridesmaid dresses,"

"you know me so well, maddy." i chuckled.

we looked over to see cassie staring at us.

"what do you think she's thinking about."

"the fact that she thought it'd be her."

i laughed, "she's crazier than i thought then."

"well, that concludes our dinner. remember, curfew is one am!"

nate and i headed back to our room to enjoy the rest of our night together.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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