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71 3 0


JANUARY 10TH, 2022

3:42 PM

i pressed my lips against elliots in hopes that we could actually get some sort of alone time. rue decided that she would take it upon herself to sleep over at elliots tonight.

rue was currently getting high in elliots bathroom.

"would it be wrong if i said i couldn't wait for rue to leave?" i whispered as he kissed my neck. "nah." he whispered back.

i hated pretending i wasn't into elliot, but it was such a rush. kinda like those kissing games where you had to not get caught kissing your boyfriend. except elliot wasnt my boyfriend. he was my friend that was a boy that i enjoyed making out with.

i heard the bathroom door unlock and i quickly swatted elliot away from me and jumped on my phone to the weather app.

"hello my beautiful friends," rue said as she jumped into the space between us both.

"hi, rue." i said with no emotion.

"hey is it cool if jules joins us?" rue looked at the both of us.

"um, sure. why not?" elliot said.

"rue," i sat up, "can i trust you enough to go to the store and get us some snacks?" i said as i pulled fifty dollars out of my bra.

"gwen i really dont think that-"

"rue please. i dont want to have to talk to fez." i whined. she sighed and looked at elliot. "if i come back with more drugs you cannot be mad."

"and i will not." i smiled.

when she left i looked at elliot. "how much you wanna bet she comes back with some off the wall shit."

elliot chuckled and puled me in for more kisses. about thirty minutes later we heard the front door open and quickly turned the lights off and pretended we were sleeping. why? i dont know. but what was about to happen, i definitely didnt expect.

"do you wanna fuck rue?" jules said out of the blue. she turned eliots lamp on and in our faces.

"no?" elliot said cluelessly.

"so you're straight?" jules asked him.

"kinda." elliot replied.

"are you gay?"

elliot looked at me then back at jules.

"kinda.. im sorry what is this about?" he said softly.

"doesn't matter. so you're bi?" jules clarified.

"well i dont think of it that way." elliot said.

"you mean you never thought about your sexuality before?" jules asked him.

"not in a particularly rigid way, no. have you guys faced? is that a thing?"

i sat up getting ready to say something but was quickly shut down by jules.

"have you guys fucked?" jules asked elliot as she was referring to me and him.

"no," i chuckled, "jules what is this about?"

"why did she avoid that question?" elliot asked.

"yeah, why did you dodge that question jules?" rue asked her.

"how many girls have you fucked?" jules asked elliot.

"like technically 3." elliot responded.

"im uncomfortable." i said and got up to go to the bathroom.

OFF THE TABLE, EUPHORIA 🎦Where stories live. Discover now