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11:11 PM

it had been two weeks since the investigation came along. they still hadn't gotten the results from my rape kit, but they examined the photos from the bruises. although they were extensive, with my drug test being negative, they were unsure of what they could do to nate. so for the past two weeks, we have been sneaking to meet up.

when i say nate will do anything i say, i mean it. i asked him to upgrade from that raggedy ass hotel room and he did. he rented a condo in the inner city. sure its a far drive, but no one knows where we are and no one can tell us anything.

"so you think anyone knows were hooking up?" i asked nate. he took a sip of his tuscany and shrugged. "im sure your little friends know."

"who? maddy? cassie?"

"definitely maddy." nate said and set the glass down. i looked out of the window. the city was beautiful. "cant wait until this shit blows over," nate sighed and poured me a glass of tuscany.

i took a small sip and smiled. "yea." i whispered.

"this is what life will be like once you marry me," nate said. "shut up," i chuckled and took another sip.

"what? you dont think we'll get married?" he asked me.

"nate, its not that. were teenagers, its just funny to think in a couple of years we'll be on our own. maybe have children," i looked at him.

"right..right," nate looked at his phone.

"think your mom would be cool with you staying the night at maddys?" he asked me. i shrugged. "depends if she thinks im lying or not, let me text maddy."

"staying the night at maddys" was a front for really staying with nate. maddy's parents had recently gotten into a fight and she was really staying at cassies but she allowed me to use her as cover.

"im gonna take a shower." nate said and headed off to the bedroom. while waiting on my text from maddy, i decided to join nate. i stepped into the shower after taking my robe off.

"hey," he said as he stood under the shower head. i pulled him in for a kiss which eventually led to shower sex. after our "shower" we sat in the king size bed.

"nate, can i ask you something?" i said while not taking my eyes off of the tv. "what?"

"so you know that girl jules, right?"

he swallowed hard. "what about her?"

"do you think she's like jealous.. of us?"

"why would you think that, gwen?" he said.

"i dont know, maybe it was the way cal looked at her, and then you. and then all of a sudden someone anonymously reports your abusing me? i mean it just doesn't make sense, nate."

"i dont why she looked at me like that. maybe she is jealous, gwen. maybe she wanted to separate us." nate said. "honestly, can we not talk about it?"

"yeah, fine." i said and rested my head on his shoulder.

my phone then rang. i looked at it and saw it was fez.

"yo, where you at?" fez asked me. i looked at nate and then sighed. "im not home, thats all i can tell you, fez."

"uh huh. you with that bullshit ass boyfriend of yours, huh."

"fez, what do you want?"

"i mean, i was tryna see if you wanted to smoke, but i see you busy so."

OFF THE TABLE, EUPHORIA 🎦Where stories live. Discover now