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JANUARY 18TH, 2022


"so, i was thinking," i pause as i finished chewing my leftover chicken alfredo from last nights dinner, "we could go to my beach house for spring break."

elliot looked at me and chuckled. "beach house? thats gotta be the cockiest and richest thing you have said to me." he then took a sip of coke and continued scrolling on his phone.

"well, if you must know. originally nate and i were gonna go, but hes literally dead to me. and it'll just be me and you." i said. he sighed. "i mean i do love the beach," elliot grinned.

"great, ill start making reservations." i smiled.

"hey, me and jules are going over rues after school, you down?" elliot asked me. i shrugged. "cant, gotta stay for dance. also, did you know lexi wrote a play?"

elliot chuckled, "i did not. but, i will catch you sometime tonight? maybe we can watch a movie?" he slowly stood up. he then kissed my forehead.

"yeah. sure." i smiled. he then walked off and headed inside. i then saw nate coming towards me out of the corner of my eye. i truly hoped he didnt see me either.

"nate!" cassie said excitedly. he smiled and picked her up by her waist and twirled her around. as he was doing that, we made short eye contact which made him put her down.

i still hadn't really addressed the situation with cassie and nate. i felt there was no need to.

"hey bitch!" maddy yelled as she put her hands on my shoulder. "fuck, maddy! you scared me,"

"ew, were you looking at nate and that skank?" maddy asked me as she sat next to me. "its just like, how can he go from me to her? you know?"

"its completely fucked how she could even be with him, like he was literally with you."

"right, and then he's just trying to make me jealous because of elliot, but like bitch... his whole life is a fucking mess."

now i didnt necessarily mean to tell maddy the whole tea but i did. oops.

"so, look. he was sending me all kinds of gifts and shit and then i went to see him one last time. cal was like having a manic episode, he like pissed all over the floor. thats how i found out nate was cheating."

"thats so fucking crazy, i would never talk to him again." maddy said as she admitted her new acrylic set.

"how about we get super drunk and skip dance practice?" i suggested. "im down," maddy grinned.


"contemplating if we should eat, or just get severely wasted."

"i dont know bitch, im on a diet." maddy snickered.

"shut the fuck up, maddy. is kat on her way with the liquor?" i asked her as i pulled out a bag of hot cheetos.

"yeah, but i wouldn't eat those. eat like a muffin or something." maddy shrugged.

maddy was the queen of drinking. wanted to get drunk on a monday morning? she was your girl. had a raging hangover? she was your girl. wanted to try a new cocktail? she was your girl.

i groaned and grabbed a croissant and donut. "i swear maddy if-"

the doorbell rang and maddy bounced up in excitement. she quickly ran to open the door. except it wasnt kat at the door, it was elliot.

he then stormed past the kitchen, ran up the stairs, then entered my bedroom.

"oh?" i mouthed to maddy.

OFF THE TABLE, EUPHORIA 🎦Where stories live. Discover now