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JANUARY 20TH, 2022

6:32 PM

"so, i heard rue in the hospital and shit." fez said as he sat down on his couch. he handed me a bottle of water and smiled.

"yeah, she's going through it. her mom caught up to her after she left lauries and shit went down." i replied.

"shit sucks that jule ratted her out. i mean rue was pretty bad but thats confidential." fez said ten smacked his lip.

"right, i mean when i get the chance, im definitely telling jules about herself." i said then took a sp off water.

"you still mad about the nate thing?" fez asked me.

"its water under the bridge fez, besides. he kind of deserved it anyway. hes a liar, a cheater, an asshole."

"all of the above, huh."

i shrugged and took another sip. "pretty fucking much."

ashtray then came into the room giving me a mean side eye.

"whats up with him?" i asked fez. "still pissed you havent came around for like three weeks."

"ashtray!" i yelled. "come here, i wanna give you something."

"fuck you," ashtray spat.

"ash, cut the bullshit. come on, you know better."

ash groaned and sure enough he came to sit down next to me.

i wrapped both arms around him pulling him in for a tight hug and cuddles. "i missed you," i said then kissed the top of his forehead. he giggled softly.

under all the anger and violence, ash was truly a sweet kid. it would kill me if something ever happened to him or fez. they were my brothers.


i split my peanut butter jelly in half for fez and i to share.

"is everything gonna be okay, fez?" i asked him. we sat on the stoops of his home. he shrugged. "i dont know." he then took a bite of the sandwich and looked up to the sky. he did that often.

"what are you thinking about?" i asked him.

"what if she dies? where's ash gonna go?"

ash was only three and still not in school. he was very delayed as any doctor would say. with fez's grandma not getting any better, fez had to take care of a three year old and himself. a growing sixteen year old boy. fez was exactly two years, four months, two days and twenty six hours older than me.

"i know you're scared, fez. its okay to be scared."

"i'm good gwen, seriously. i just want the best for ash and i dont know who could give that to him better than me. you feel me? like i been in this game forever. i'm supposed to teach him these things. how to be a man, how to tie a tie."

fez was afraid of ash being taken away. although the government had no recollection of who he was, or where he came from, fez was in the system. his dad was a deadbeat strip club owner that lost custody over him when he turned 13. ever since then he had been staying with his grandma. she was taking care of him until he had to take care of her.

"fez dont worry about that shit, you will get through this." i said.

ash then stepped outside and sat in my lap.

"hey, kid. you dont have to worry about a thing. i got you forever." i said there kissed his cheek.

ever since ash could walk hes been head over heels for me.

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