Prologue - Specter

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"The crown jewel of military black ops, the PsyOps unit, or Psychological Operations, are an elite team of soldiers deployed against rogue militaries and terrorist threats. Officially, they don't exist in the eyes of conventional warfare. But when conventional warfare won't cut it and the stakes are no less than the fate of the world, PsyOps answers the call. Because the world needs select individuals who can know the threat and stop conflicts before they happen."

The sounds of an automated voice proceeds to fade out as boot-steps are heard. 

"Well, that's a load of bullshit..." 

"Yeah Archer, keep telling yourself that, see how far that gets you."

The sounds of hand-wiggling and excited mouth gasps can be faintly heard. 

"Anomaly said it the best."

"Do we have to use these ridiculous codenames?" 

"Least until we get out of the upper management and in the field. Till then, how's it going, Master?" 

"That's not even that bad, imagine being Brute!"

"Twilight is arguably worse." 

"For a lady though? No, it makes me sound like one of those buff lesbians..." 

"I mean... you're one to talk."

"Let's just get this over with. This is the moment we've all been waiting for. This is the last installment of Black Rose, we do this, and we're done, alright? We got a job to do, we do it, stop complaining." 

"Yes, Specter..." 

"It's always the brainiac that knows what's up."

Multiple sighs can be heard as a sliding door opens. The sounds of the sliding door come to a halt, and then what follows is a metal bang, shutting the door. 






The sounds of Revolution by The Beatles can be heard, coming from dodgy plane speakers.

"Hey, eyes up, goon master, we're home."


"Shen, help me get this bastard up."


Shen takes one of his prongs and jabs me in the ass with it, sending my head flying up and rising into the side-seat. 

Y/N: FUCKIN'... asshole... 

Ezreal: Hehe... we got him... there he is. Hey, what are you gonna do when you get home? 

Y/N: Don't know, probably check in on dad. 

Vi: Been so damn long since I've been in Zaun, heard the grass started coming out green. 

Y/N: In Zaun? That's unexpected... 

Vi: What're you gonna do here in Piltover? 

Y/N: Oh, I'm not home yet, you guys are. I'm taking a plane to Ionia right after this... 

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