14 - The Dark Web

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Librarian: Can I help you sir?

Y/N: Yes, where is the internet cafe portion?

Librarian: Down the stairs, take a left... but I must say, those computers are frankly old.

Y/N: Oh, that's perfect... thank you.

I head downstairs and pull up my mask, covering up to my nose so that no cameras can recognize me. Actually, better, I use my phone to shut down just a portion of the library's security network, so no cameras.

I head right to a computer at the end of the row, making sure nobody can come in and peek. I start up the computer but straight into the boot menu and work on a bunch of settings. Basically, this platform they're using for all the library software bullshit can just get turned off, and I can use my phone to put in some concoction to just get me to the basic Windows operating system.

After all that, THEN I can compromise it, jail break it, whatever term you want to use. I then proceed to do just that and start the basis of getting into that darker part of the internet. I embrace the anonymous communication network, and now... we're in, but it was easier said than done. I only ever did this one other time, a genius hacker can find me, a VPN can only do so much.

I was able to find Twisted Fate's chatroom, where you can talk to one of his representatives for any of his, "services". All I need to do is interact with one of these representatives to hopefully tap into a larger DM. Twisted Fate is literally, "Tw1zt3d_F4t3", in this service menu, like he is not hiding it at all. No wait... we got some duplicate accounts here.

I start messaging a couple of them like any consumer would, asking for some drugs, the Kai'Sa sex tape, and a couple cars that lawmakers don't know exist.

Already, they are all eager to message me back, so I take the liberty of tracing them with a function in my doo-hickey phone plugged into the computer.

I make sure to build up myself an enhanced VPN style of blocking. That way they have trouble tracing me and they can't lock me out, they're fucked. Hypothetically, take and never give.

Wonder what Evelynn's up to... hmmmm... Just thinking of her is enough to get me going. Am I in the wrong for making her stay at my apartment? I mean, I'm just doing it to keep her safe, and she cried on my shoulder because she didn't want to go back to Toby, it took a toll on her very few friendships.

I managed to tap into "TwistedFizzleDrizzle", the one guy trying to sell me the cars, and now I got a gateway, so I just need to make sure I don't answer any messages, nor log in at any suspicious times, and most of all... I can monitor where he goes on his computer and what he does. I transfer some of the bullshit to my phone, do some more hacking mumbo jumbo, and that's all I'll need. 

My phone starts buzzing as I'm leaving the library, and it doesn't stop, on absolute repeat until I leave and I can pick it up, it's Evelynn... oooh boy...

Y/N: Eve? What's up? 

She lets out a lengthy sigh. 

Eve: How much longer are you going to be?

Y/N: I'll be home soon, don't worry. 

Eve: Pick up some food for us, darling... and we're definitely going to do something, together. 

Y/N: We will, we will. You should try to break up with him.

Eve: I already told you-

Y/N: Yeah, and I'm saying you should give it a shot, who cares what careers he's threatening, fuck the blackmail. They could be empty for all we fucking know, did he actually say-

Delightfully Devilish (K/DA Evelynn x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now