31 - Loose Ends

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Y/N: This ring is beautiful...

It's been a week since I freed Eve from TF's contractual grasp. She's her own star, no manager, and most of all, she's never been free. Now, you might not call our marriage conventional, but we got married in a courtroom, yet to have a ceremony.

She might be Evelynn Mori in the eyes of the region, but close friends know her as Evelynn L/N. What we did right after was get out some rings. We decided to separate and go to different jewelry stores for each other's rings. 

Eve: I like yours more... 

Y/N: Are you looking at the ring, or the hand it's sitting on?

Eve: I could ask the same thing, you sure you're looking at my ring? Or... 

Y/N: Forgot we were both naked, honestly. 

Eve: Let's just become nudists.

Y/N: No, I can't do that, that's gross. 

Eve: Yeah... forget I said that. 

Y/N: Can't do that, nudey, now I gotta work on the case file. 

Eve: It's late! 

Y/N: That's why it's a good time to drop it off! This is how we get him behind bars! This is it; this is the final piece. I drop this off on Vi's desk, sneak my way back out with Sona's help. I don't have to visit him in jail, but hopefully he knows that I'm not someone to be fucked with.

Eve: Taking out him... really put a dent in crime darling. I was actually able to take a walk for the first time on the south side, saw Ezreal, who helped me find you a ring, and then walked back. ME, a POPSTAR, walk SAFE, basically on CRIME LANE, DARLING.

Y/N: Well, it wasn't all me... Sona and Ezreal do stuff too. I like to think Vi is good at her job, following my carnage. 

As we've been talking, I've been getting ready, as well as packing up the case file. It's a box, literally loaded with all kinds of stuff. We used it for paper, but now it's got tapes, discs, photographs, and some evidence with either his prints, blood, or spit on it, locations of EVERYTHING, even the photos I had of Evelynn pretending to be kidnapped, but those never got used. 

Eve: It was mostly you; I mean Janna has a segment dedicated to you on the news now! I can't think of anyone that can be featured on her, "In recent Specter news" segment. 

Y/N: Meh... whatever, alright, I might be heading out.

Her tail crawls up my coat and starts messing with my pants. I come back to the bed and start clawing at her, both of us playing like two cats. It turns into a kiss and a quick hug, then she lets me go. 

Eve: Be safe! 

Y/N: With Sona on my earpiece, that'll be easy. 

I call Sona as I'm carrying my box to the car, climbing in and starting it up. Yes, the M3 is mine now, but I have all of Eve's cars at my disposal, and I'm allowed to mess with them to hide them as her cars, whatever I want. She spoils me so much; I love my sugar mama... 

Sona: HIIIIIIIIIIIII bookworm...

Y/N: Ow. 

I actually hear a giggle from her, a real giggle, and her AI voice literally would be her REAL voice if she could talk, and it's adorable. She's so fucking smart, it's crazy. 

Y/N: You're adorable. 

Sona: I am going to kill you and seize your bank account. Also, by the way, Vi is chasing Tahm Kench right now, turns out he isn't dead, even though he very well should be. 

Delightfully Devilish (K/DA Evelynn x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now