23 - Song of an Anomaly

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We come home from dinner, and Evelynn is already stripping down. She changes in front of me, swapping out some fancy garters for some relaxing sweatpants, and a tank top. I do the same, losing my suit for my cargo pants and sweater.

Both of us take to the couch, where she flips on the TV, and I flip up her jailbroken laptop. The visual search with that doodle came back with absolutely nothing but.... one... result... and this time, it has its tongue sticking out.

Eve: Sona's freaky.

Y/N: No, I think she's just teasing.

Looking into the result, it's camera footage of an empty room on the dark web, where it looks like someone would've been tortured, but at a closer glance there's no blood, or any sign, just an empty room with a chair. There are a few things on the ground, and turning the camera allows me to see the doodle sticking out its tongue, with something... I can hack... remotely... on the tongue...

It's an automated voice, like text to speech, oh she's so smart, that's so much better than talking sign language, these voices are getting better and better every day. It comes through the speakers in the laptop, through the camera audio once it's finished, albeit a little distorted.

Perhaps Sona: You found me! HAHA! HAHA! This message was intended for... one... Specter... an... old friend!

Eve: Aww... her voice is so cute!

Y/N: It's AI.

Eve: I knew that, but she chose a good voice for her own.

Perhaps Sona: I don't know if you plan on finding me, or whatever you do, but I'll be waiting, no matter the intention... I miss you, Specter... I... want... just some time... we lost... I know you might have found a delightful... devil... I still would like to know... you are happy...

Eve: You need to find her. 

Y/N: I know, I could use some help. 

Eve: Not that... You could use another friend and I think I want to meet one of your old flames...

Y/N: She wasn't a flame... 

Eve: Was she not? 

I remember the slight gusts of air from her sign language, and the sounds of jet turbines in the background.

Sona: <See. you. again. we. go. out?>


Y/N: We took too long, but don't worry, seeing her again won't trigger anything. 

Eve: It better not. 

Y/N: It won't, I'm not the one you have to worry about. 

Eve: Well... you are... actually...

She moans as she pushes her hands against my chest, now straddling me. We promised we'd tone it down, but the truth is, we're just fiends for one another. I look up at her, trying to act serious, but her nuzzling against my nose forces out a smile. I pick her lips, and she pecks back, then it turns back into full-form, erotic kissing. 

Maybe... we can delay the search for another night... 


I pull my sweatpants down slightly, and she undoes the top button on her sweats, revealing her panties she kept on since dinner. I shove my hand down there as she gasps, and moans in my ear. 

She drops a strand of spit from her tongue, landing it right on my member to lubricate it. She leans back to insert me inside her, and together, both of us start to thrust on one another. 

Delightfully Devilish (K/DA Evelynn x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now