19 - Pink Eye

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On my way home, I'm limping through Zaun, and Zaun is somehow a worse version of the southside. Some of the buildings are actually made of sheet metal. Some of the kids running around have different colors hair, some have deformities, all from the chemical dumping. I'm shocked I'm okay from taking a quick dip in the water. 

Looking up, I can see some kids, looking like teenagers, with masks or animal masks on, glowing in the night. They notice when I look up, and then either disappear from the roof, or parkour to a different spot. For example, there's a woman I see that swings across a piece of rebar on the old overpass and lands on another rooftop across the street. 

She takes out a gauntlet and uses it to spark a control box. Using my phone, I can see some of the power grid come back online, but only a select amount. I slide through the streetlamps and turn them all on. 


The streets light up, and so do the lights atop the buildings, revealing not five kids watching me, but what seems to be a whole colony of Chem-Barons... looks like the Piltover politics didn't get rid of all of them. The end of the street was the most terrifying, their leader... 

Powder, or as everyone knows her as Jinx. I can tell by her bright blue hair... 

She holds up her hand, and the masked people all either scamper, hide, or casually walk away. Jinx runs Zaun, and has protection from her sister to do so, and she does a good job for the most part. However, she'd be busted for gang activity if she wasn't so good to her people in this little dystopia. After Silco, she's the reason Zaun wasn't demolished. 

She lowers her gas mask, revealing her face, staring at me with either violent or some form of psychotic intent. The girl with the electric gauntlet, with her hair glowing green, disappears after everyone else is gone. Looking back at Jinx, she's walking closer. 

Jinx: Well, well, well... Hey mister! What's a ghost doing in my Zaun?! 

She starts to cackle a little bit, dropping her gas mask on her belt, and clipping it in place. She whips her hair back, brushing her bang... she's... actually a pretty lady... 

I would.... I would... I'm sorry... 

Jinx: I consider an explosion at the docks and unknown racing with a Mustang to be MORE THAN LEAVING!!!

She pulls out a blunderbuss?! No, no... it's a single shot, 12 gauge sawed off, a hand cannon fit for a queen. within that fast time she unholstered, I pulled out the Px4 Storm. 

Jinx: The Specter, huh?! That's what the news calls ya?! I'd call ya... the Speechless! You look a lil wet, can't relate I'd be honest!

I can see her pink eyes from where she's standing, now about 20 or so feet away from me. Y/N... you need to hold it together dog, if you're going to be dating Evelynn you can't be thinking like this! Fuck, I'm just a fiend and it shows... well... to whoever reads this, anyway.

Y/N: It's... been a long day...

Jinx: Awwwww... wanna talk about it? 

Y/N: I mean-

Jinx: I DON'T CARE!!! 

Y/N: Rude...

Jinx: Oh, I'm kidding... you gonna shoot me, hmmm? 

Y/N: Put yours down, I put mine down. 

Jinx: I only have it up for precaution...

Y/N: I understand... I do... okay. One... two... three... 

We gradually lower our guns down, then put them away. Some of the people with the glowing masks or glowing eyes look from the windows, wondering why there were no gunshots. 

Delightfully Devilish (K/DA Evelynn x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now