26 - Imported Fabrics

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Ezzy: Stop there, stop there! See, aren't you glad you brought me along? 

Y/N: I don't... wait... oh I see it. 

Eve: I don't see anything. 

We zoom in on the digitized ass silhouette in the window. We don't have the ability to enhance because we're not that cliche, but we can see a black figure, and then pressing play, the camera flickers, and we can see them in the corner of the screen. 

After that, back by the window, with what looks to be a tailor bag, probably holding the dress and then a duffle bag on the floor as they're probably climbing out of the window. Next frame, the duffle bag and everything is gone, and it looks like nothing changed. 

Y/N: These people were sloppy... three frames unaccounted for. No mask either, that's a face, we need to see if we can get Sona to enhance this. 

Akali: Sona... oh right, that's right! She's a hacker woman! You're so smart, Y/N!

Y/N: Don't know if I can say the same about you...

Akali: What? 

Ahri: Oh, so you like... have two names? 

Yasuo: No, babe, I think it's because his name isn't Jeffrey. Eve made that mistake over the phone. 

Y/N: Whatever, yes, my name is Y/N L/N, and I am going to find your dress.

Ahri: AWESOME! I will give you lots of money when you return back with it. 

Y/N: How much? 

Ahri: Munnnnieeeee... 

Eve: She's a playful fox, it'll be a lot, you two go! Love you!

Yasuo: I honestly don't care what your name is, you are a gift from the spirit realm. We can keep a secret, most of us, anyway! 

Y/N: You better! Love you too, darling...

Ezreal and I both leave, taking a gust of fresh winter air, then get in the zone to start the hunt. 


For the last hour or so, we've been with Sona at her flat. Ezreal was a good man bringing his truck, we'll definitely need it. Sona stops typing and adjusts her glasses, forcing us to both get up from her dinner table and huddle around her computer. 

Sona: Talon. Talon Du Couteau, he's a member of the crime family out of Noxus, of course he would steal her dress, I bet Katarina wants it! 

Y/N: Figures, that or they want to sell it. 

Du Couteau are responsible for all kinds of assassinations and robberies carried out in Noxus. They were known for scalping the criminal market, instead of eBay. Buying and selling, sometimes killing and taking to feed their greed. 

Y/N: You have any ability track him? 

Sona: It will be tough, please stay in touch. Last I saw a description of the same man, thanks AI, he was at the docks, the same hold that held one of Tobias' cargo ships. If we're lucky, we can catch him AND get the dress. 

Ezzy: Fuck... we know how these Du Couteau folks act. "If I can't have it, nobody can," type mentality. You can't let him know we're coming or else he will toss it in the water. 

Y/N: Well, I need to know why he's here, because TF's chat said nothing yet. This is just some dumb side quest. 

Ezzy: Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time...

Y/N: Well, let's do it, let's make some money. Sona, we're headed to the docks, Ezreal do you-

Ezreal is already setting up an earpiece for her. He's on the ball, and I mean I don't expect anything less when money is involved. He finishes up and pats me on the shoulder on the way out. 

Delightfully Devilish (K/DA Evelynn x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now