11 - Packed In

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Last thing I had to work on by myself was the couch. I was able to do it all solo, up until I used the elevator to bring it up with me. Luckily, it wasn't a heavy couch, but it definitely wasn't light. I even had to take off my jacket and stuff to work harder. 

Evelynn and Kai'Sa immediately sit on it after I get the cushions back on, just watching me move stuff around and get positions right. As it turns out, the only thing that was missing was a tv, but luckily, Kai'Sa had an old one from her old room in the mansion to spare.

Eve: Darling, do you think I can have a water? 

Kai: Oh, and me too!

Y/N: Sorry, don't have any, I could get you some from the tap though. 

Eve: That's fine...

Kai: Piltover tap water.... ew.

Eve: He just bought the place last night, doll! Of course he doesn't have any bottled water! We sweetened a deal with Graves. 

Y/N: Wait, are you paying my bills? 

Eve: Is that an issue? 

She gives me a death glare, which almost makes me sweat bullets. She wants to own me like a pet, it's not even funny. However, I might be down for that, we'll see... WAIT... she doesn't know my real name... at some point, if we even want to turn this into something, which by the way it's too soon now, I'd have to confess. 

I sit down with three cups of water, both of the girls stealing their glasses from my hands with their own flair. Eve brushes me with her tail, while Kai tries to cop a feel of my bicep, pretending I'm shaking the cup around and she needs to hold my arm to grab it, even though I was holding it still. 

Kai: Thanks... 

Y/N: No problem, hey Eve, you get a call from Toby at all? 

Eve: Don't worry about him darling, he won't be home for a while-

Something in her top starts buzzing. She reaches into her top and pulls out her phone from between her little ladies, and I see the contact, "Man Thing", with a heart next to it. 

Kai: Someone jinxed it...

Eve: Shush, shush... he can't be home, he-uuughhhh... Hey darling! 

Toby: Hey Siren, I just touched down, figure I come back home to some hardcore, demonic loving, what are you up to? 

He even sounds greasy over the phone...

Y/N mumbles: Siren? 

Kai mumbles: They've been at it a while though, but what they got is atrocious...

Y/N mumbles: Meh, wonder why I'm so good, then. 

Kai mumbles: IMO... you're Felix minus the grease and slimy criminal stuff, just a far superior upgrade, makes me jealous honestly. 

Y/N mumbles: Hmmm... well if... things don't work out... 


Toby: HI KAI!!!

Kai: H-hi...

Fuck, fuck what do I do if he asks about me?! Uhm... uhhh... SHIT, APHELIOS!!! He knows Korean, hell I think that's the only language he can speak, but somehow charms Kai'Sa with it. I gotta whisper it in a higher pitch too, Aphelios' even worse than Kai with the socially awkwardness. I have seen the interviews...

Toby: And who's that? 

Y/N whispers: <Hello... ball of slime...> 

Toby: Should've known you'd be back soon too; thought you were going over to see Ahri and Yasuo, you made it back already? 

Delightfully Devilish (K/DA Evelynn x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now