10 - Vigilantism in Play

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I wake up on Sunday, and luckily, I do not have work. I'm sore to the fucking bone. Last night not only did I work, but in the first time in a year and half... we know what happened, I stopped a crime family.

I sit up... in an empty room?! Oh right... I was able to get ahold of Graves after watching a couple shows with Evelynn. Him and Eve got me hooked up with an apartment. The Yokoyama is nothing special. It's a one room studio, with a little kitchen, dining or living area, work area, and a bed. The only separate room that exists is the bathroom.

It's not run down, it's really well-kept, but you can tell by the smell it's a little old. It was a comfy carpet floor, and the bathroom and kitchen were both tiles. The walls are painted in a white eggshell. The downside? It's not furnished... I slept on the floor with a blanket and pillow.

The only furniture the previous tenants left behind was an empty desk, and some stools around a counter in the kitchen. I got one thing of my own... a Bluetooth speaker. Let's see if I can go furniture shopping. I need new clothes anyway, I'm gonna need to burn my army jacket. I get up, feeling horribly stiff and even sorer after.

Hop in for a quick shower, think about Evelynn... hmmm... not gonna finish that thought, then grab my bloody jacket. I ball it up so poor Glaives' blood can't be recognized on it, along with taking a bunch of my other stuff, except the gun which I sort of need the jacket for.

Coming out back, behind the building where some people were smoking, and some homeless people were using an oil drum for a fire, I come up next to them.

Hobo: Can we help ya, friend?

Another hobo: Got some money on ye?

Cool hobo: Byeah...

Y/N: Sorry, just adding to your fire.

Hobo: More is always welcome...

I toss my jacket in the fire and watch it crisp up, then burn away over some time.

Cool hobo: Thank you for your service...

I nod and then leave the alleyway, starting the walk to hopefully, a furniture place. There's a bunch of them around town, big and small. I was going to one of the bigger thrift stores and see if I can pick up some stuff for cheap. First... I stop outside the clothing store.

I get a call from Eve as I'm going inside, yes, we traded numbers and whatever socials I had, which... were none.

Y/N: Hi.

Eve: Hi Jeff! How's your new place working out today?

Holy shit it's already noon, fuck.

Y/N: Uhhh... good, good, listen, how much did we drink last night?

Eve: Well... we guzzled down three bottles of wine, two of those being finished by mostly you, I woke up absolutely battered and fried, darling. I'm okay after some remedies, so what are you up to now?

Y/N: Just walked into a thrift store for some threads... I had to trash my army jacket after last night, plus I need some new clothes.

Eve: What was wrong with your jacket?

Y/N: Let's just say... it was a little permanently stained, that whole time, I'm sorry.

Eve: Awwww... I wanted to steal it!

Y/N: Oh yeah, and what?

Eve: Wear it when I'm around you, trophy it too because it was unique.

I picture some really, horny, depraved thoughts with her and that jacket, am I a psychopath? No, not at all... I just have taste.

Delightfully Devilish (K/DA Evelynn x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now