15 - More Time Off

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She dressed up and slammed the door on me when I said that and didn't come back until a week later. When she came back, she beelined it to the couch, losing her coat to sit down with nothing but a transitioning fit on. For fall to winter, she's got a sweater and some leggings to wear. 

I sit back down with her on the couch, and all she does is stare at me... studying me. 

Eve: Y/N L/N...

Y/N: Yeah... I bet you're mad, I'm sorry for hiding my identity from you for so long, it was just to keep you safe... If we were going to get any closer, you had to know.

She's scolding me right now, with the eyes of a demon, a straight demon, ready to devour my soul. She's the type of woman who has few interactions, few friends other than her fans, and takes relationships UBER-seriously.

To her, this would be the ultimate betrayal, punishable by death. Or she'd just block you or something. That scold, followed by her gaze twitching back and forth across my face, studying me, she can feel my worry, like a primal animal sensing my fear.

That scold slowly eases into a light stare, and then a curious glance.

Y/N: Uhhhh...

Eve: So, you're not 26?

Y/N: No, I'm 26, I just did a little more than served... also, you aren't mad? Like... that's all you're curious about?

Eve: Oh, Jeff, or should I say... Y/N... I am mad, but I think we'll save that for another time, or maybe it'll simmer before I do something... delightfully devilish...

Y/N: Oh... I'm so-

Eve: Or if you keep saying "sorry"!

Y/N: OK.

Eve: Now shush, you are going to give me the truth... AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH!!!

Her one tail sneaks out from under her sweater and pushes on my chest, then the other one I feel wrap around my waist, restraining me to the couch.

Y/N: Y/N L/N, 26, from Shon-Xan but mostly Ionia City, I went to school where I was bullied and driven into silence. In college, I was too good at my classes, and almost finished in two years, but after one, my mother passed away, and I was forced to live with my depressed father. We had no money, I had to go to the military, where I over-excelled amongst my peers, and three of us got sent into the United Regions of Runeterra, or the UR, URR, whatever.

Eve: What did you do there...

Y/N: It's top secret, if I tell you... someone might kill you.

Eve: And if you don't tell me, I'll kill someone else...

Y/N: You're terrifying.

Eve: Thank you, darling...

Y/N: I worked in the PsyOps.

Eve drops her demonic expression for another curious, dumbfounded one.

Eve: What's that?

Y/N: Psychological Operations, and their own form, not the conventional military type.

Eve: Did you and your team... kill people?

Y/N: Yeah, especially those who deserved it. We kept the world safe...

Eve: At the cost of... having no valor and not being able to tell anyone you were a hero. Oh, I wouldn't last a day in that field...

Y/N: Probably why they never tried to recruit you, and with your track record, I'll be honest and say I wouldn't either.

Delightfully Devilish (K/DA Evelynn x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now