30 - Bow Down

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There's an open parking lot with nothing in it where I land the chopper. I get out of it, sliding a different mask up this time, it's black and threatening, like my original one, sometimes grey. The two guards see me coming from the helicopter, marching towards them. 

Although they are armed, and around here it's legal to shoot me, they don't, they just drop their guns and start to run away. In fact, when I open the garage door to this warehouse, everyone just stops, everyone drops their guns, this must've been an order of some kind. 

The boss, who I could tell was the boss with his three gold chains, and his girlfriend with him, comes out to see why everything shut down. 

Boss: So, did he really... oh... h-he did. 

I don't say a word, I just look back up at him, and try my best to be Evelynn. I try and stare into his soul with my gaze to strike some fear into him. My gaiter is up, but you can definitely see my eyes. 

Boss: We don't want any trouble! I bet you already figured Gangplank's crew is gone, bet you were the one who did that... I hope you know that uhh... as of tonight, we broke off from the Twisted Fate, left the chat and all that, fuck the moderators. We're done, we're actually packing stuff up as you can see, and we're gone, probably to Ixtal. 

His girlfriend starts whispering in his ear, then they start to bicker a little. He hugs her and then kisses her on the cheek. 

Boss: Listen, you silent, chameleon killer, bro... We aren't going to hurt you. We know what you can do, and what you've done. You are one scary motherfucker, so I ordered my men to NOT engage! 

Guard: We're done!

Other guard: We're sick of this shit!

Boss: We wanted out and we got out, he let us go, what happens to us now shouldn't concern you. The boss man isn't happy, and he has nearly nothing left. No girl, only one job now, and I bet that's where you're headed next. 

I'm not going to go after these people. These guys were antsy and reluctant in the chat ever since I killed the men who tried to snag Evelynn. 

Boss: So, what's it gonna be? 

Say something creepy, cool, and/or threatening, THINK!!!

Y/N: If I see any trace of you, any of you at all, any of your product being pushed to bums, with Tobias Felix's name on it, I will find you, all of you, each and every one of you... Pray, beg, hide, run, kiss your loved ones goodbye, because nothing... nothing... will stop me from finding any of you again. 

Looking around, all of them are ghostly, or have turned pale, while some of them definitely pissed themselves. I glance over at one of the guards as I'm leaving, and he whimpers. All I do is tap my phone, which causes some electric fizzing in the surveillance room. It makes the security system sound, making an alarm go off.

I disappear into the night, back to my helicopter. When they look outside, they see nearly nothing, but can definitely see the helicopter leaving, I mean this shit is LOUD.


I begin my flight back to Piltover, luckily autopilot is still a useful feature, because I am really beat. My Bilgewater trip started in the morning, and now it's close to 3 AM, Piltover time. Sona was done when we were done with the brothels. 

So, I use my earpiece to call a different girl, Evelynn. 

Eve: Mmmph... darling...

Y/N: Hey baby, turns out this trip was quick, I'm on my way back. 

Eve: Goog... pless... come home...

Y/N: I need a ride though, you want to come pick me up? 

Eve: Uber. 

Delightfully Devilish (K/DA Evelynn x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now