22 - Search on the Side

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Eve: Do it on my thighs, darling... mmmph... 

She bites her claw, taking one final plap against my pelvis, and making me paint her thighs. 

Y/N: Oh fuck... alright, you gotta get cleaned up for dinner tonight... 

Eve: It didn't get on the dress! 

Y/N: Oh, did it not? Okay... 

Eve: This is what you get for sitting there like that, messing with my laptop. 

Y/N: Fair price to pay, I guess...

Eve: Sorry, I couldn't resist. 


She wipes up and pulls her dress back down, and also helps me by zipping my pants back up. Together, both of us were going to try going out to dinner. I did some scanning, and it seems like Tobias isn't around in the mansion anymore, and the underground chat makes me think he's fleeing to Bilgewater. 

Let me fill you in...

Someone is tampering with his business, and he isn't liking it. At the same time, he's nowhere near closer to finding Evelynn, but there's been spotting of her around town. Some photos from the news shows someone holding her hand, and we know it's me, but I was conveniently looking away from the camera, or my body wasn't in frame. 

Meanwhile, they are all over this Specter guy, the baseball cap wearing creep who stalks around in a trench coat, blowing shit up, shooting shit, lighting shit on fire, or in some cases, standing still, emotionless as someone's head is taken off by a high-powered rifle. 

The man with the high-powered rifle, well, nobody even bothers talking about him, since nobody ever sees him. They always see the Specter, or some digital blob on screen from my masking stuff. They believe he's responsible for Evelynn and the K/DA's disappearance. 

Ahri's comment on the matter, bless her heart, amazing friend, solidified this claim, per my request. I told her say that yes, I'm keeping her, and that her fiancée is not who he seems, and finally, "The world will know who he truly is soon enough". Yeah, he won't be the only criminal I'll be dealing with. 

Cat's out of the bag, she isn't necessarily being held captive, or necessarily kidnapped, but her fans are smart, they suspect she's dating the Specter. They're also disappointed because she's dating a potential criminal, but nothing has been proven, just that "I'm keeping her". 

Also, some people think I'm what this city needs, while some people are terrified of me. A vigilante is risky, but I wonder if it'll end up like Batman, or like the Punisher. This podcast guy said something good, "Take every vigilante with a grain of salt". 

Alright, enough bullshit, I've been working on the search as Eve has been working on her lipstick in the mirror. So far, I got it set up, with the input being the doodle, and it's going to find stuff for me. I might let it run while I'm gone.

Worst case scenario, that person is a good hacker and they shut off my laptop, or fry it, no big deal. However, that would be hard, because they'd somehow have to find me on encrypted data, on top of encrypted information, VPN through VPN through VPN type shit, basically. It makes thing faster, but also slow, now let's go get dinner. 


The journalists and the photographers were waiting for us, this was a fucking horrible idea. Eve was forced to road rage us out of town, and we instead went up North to go to the country club, which people were surprised to see us, but more so, they were after her new boyfriend.

Delightfully Devilish (K/DA Evelynn x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now