25 - Smells Like Fox

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I haven't slept since all the girls left, I mean we haven't seen Ahri either, turns out they wanted to get busy instead of heading to the little party. So, what I did was after Eve and I made love, I sat down at her desk. 

I was working with images, security footage, as well as some physical stuff on my travels, sort of organizing it into a case file. There's much more to it to add, but the chat logs, the dialogue with Evelynn, and what I've found in the businesses I torched are just a dead giveaway. 

I make sure to keep this electronic as well as physical, so if one goes down, we still have the other one. 

Eve: Y/N... come to bed darling... 

Y/N: Right, right, sorry...

I close the booklet and limp over to the bed, lowering down into it. We're back at the mansion, and this king mattress is going to hit different tonight. So much space in this room, so much room to cuddle, so supportive, and Evelynn... so pretty... pretty womone... 

I cuddle up behind her and pull the cover up, the coldness of the barely heated air just showering me in comfort, and Eve's warmth feels so much better in her own bed. I run my hands through her long hair, which she has down right now. Eve without her buns is I think the peak Eve, with her hair straightened and down.

Y/N: This has to be a new look for you...

Eve: Tom... tomorrow... mmmph...

She starts snoozing almost immediately when her back presses against my chest. I do the same too, because I'm beat, and my ankle needs the rest too. 


I wake up the next morning feeling like a sloth. I'm so slow, so tired, I'm so comfy I don't want to move. Not like I can, not with this demoness diva on my chest. She's lying there, still sleeping, with her platinum hair draped down my chest and stomach. 

I wrap my arms around her, just caressing her back. She starts groaning on my chest, and I groan softly back at her. We have nowhere to go, no people to see, no concerts, no special dates. Just me, some personal physical therapy, and then I can go to the Piltover docks to take out some baddies and leave a ping for the police. 

GUNS, WEED, GIRLS, EXCESS IMPORTS, CELEBRITY SOLUTIONS, and of course the lawyers, are all that are left. As far as I know, there's only one hub for each of them, however storming a record company's HQ is going to be a little difficult, but guns and imports are going to be easy, they're in the same area. 

I feel my ankle wiggle around, cracking a little as it hasn't moved in a while. I then curl my toes, and free up some space in the brace. There's no pain now, just stiffness. My phone starts to ring, cutting me and Eve off. 

Both of us start to groan and squirm as I'm reaching for my phone. I grab it and shut the ringer off, seeing Yasuo calling me. 

Y/N: Yasuo... 

Yasuo: Hey Jeff, hope I'm not bothering you but umm... about the stage technician thing. 

Y/N: I quit. 

Yasuo: Oh, I figured, I was calling to let you know that uhh... you and everyone else is out of the job. On another note though, Akali told me you could help me and Ahri with something.

Y/N: What's wrong? 

Yasuo: Well, she-

I hear some struggle and some kumiho-type moans and grunts coming from the line. Then, I think Ahri grabs ahold of the phone. 

Ahri: JEFF!!! I NEED HALP!!!

Y/N: Ow... ow... calm down, what's wrong? Nice to meet you, Ahri...

Eve: Is that Ahri? 

Delightfully Devilish (K/DA Evelynn x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now