3 - Job Offer

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Another week down, those thoughts are just getting more intrusive. I made it to the data center right in the middle of Ionia City, where all the government facilities are.

Dad: You gonna be back later? Bo is gonna need to borrow the truck, we're gonna go out.

Y/N: Yeah, I'll bring the truck back, told you I'm applying for a job at the data center.

I am not doing that. I hang up the call after a goodbye and walk inside, through the sliding door and nodding at one of the guards. I partially put on some of my uniform, so I look the part.

Receptionist: Hello!

Y/N: Hello... I am here to inspect the main server farm...

Receptionist: On what orders?

I hold up my finger to my lips, and she quiets down. I take my badge out of my jacket and slide it across the counter. It's my URR PsyOps badge, and most of the time they don't scan it and believe who has it. Fake badges aren't a thing because the average person doesn't know they exist, only very few, select people.

Receptionist: Oh, of course!

Nice, she knows better than to turn away a totally active PsyOps operative. Select few people have these badges, she was probably just happy to finally see one. She picks up her phone and lets the analysts know I'm coming and to leave the room. I can see where security issues and breaches are more likely to happen, but the odds of someone having a PsyOps badge is NONE.

I am breaking so many rules right now, but it's going to be worth it, and they also will never find out. I'm going to get into their main operating system so I can tap into the city's grid, and then wipe the footage back a few minutes or so to make it look like I was never here. You might say it's hard to know where you're going, but brother, just follow the signs.

Some of the data scientists were watching me walk by with a stone-cold stare on my face. I don't show any emotion like a real agent and look at the lead to enter the bypass code. He does it with sweat on his face, and I walk inside.

Well, they don't make it any easier. I walk through the computer room where some of them were having a LAN party by the looks of it and go towards the main console. Ionia's is a little archaic, a giant computer that is in charge of all the servers within the farm.

I take out my doo-hickey phone and wirelessly help myself to compromising the UI and accessing the inner machinations of code inside the system. Blah-blah-blah boring hacker shit and "hacking the mainframe" which really shouldn't be used anymore. I am attempting an injection that allows me to simultaneously hijack directives and feeds me information as well.

Basically, this will give me the power to hack things connected to this giant system, controlling majority of the city and the surrounding areas. I pretend to cross some things off on my phone, then leave the room once it's back to the way it was.

Y/N: Good.

Scientist: T-thanks!

So, that completes my network. One step closer to hacking the world, like I said. I have the access to all the data centers around the world, all big, civilized regions anyway. Some places like the Shadow Isles and Shurima are a little ass-backwards so it'll never be truly global. I can use my jury-rigged phone to tap into the farms that I'm closest too and see what they're cooking up.

I take out my normal phone to call dad when I'm out of the facility, heading back to the truck.

Dad: How was it?

Y/N: Ah, I didn't get the job, they needed someone actually less experienced, can you believe that shit?

Dad: WHAT?! No... that's bullshit.

Delightfully Devilish (K/DA Evelynn x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now