The Good and the Bad

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"That wasn't bad, Khai. You beat my expectations. And a couple other kids, I suppose." Tyrone glances around the track at the few remaining people who have yet to finish their laps.

"Don't sit down yet, you gotta do your post workout stretches." He reminds me, and I nod, not able to talk at the moment.

After PE, Tyrone and I find ourselves in the locker room with the other guys who have been in PE with us.

I try not to stare when Tyrone undresses, even though I feel too scared to look at him all at the same time. But he has such an attractive physique, and it makes me feel self-conscious when I take my shirt off. I break eye contact with everyone and stare down at the floor, fumbling for my other shirt. 

Which, of course, is somewhat delayed because of how nervous I am. When I find it, I pull it over my head as quick as possible. 

Thankfully, everyone seems to be too occupied with undressing themselves to stare at everyone else. 

Then again, most of them are probably straight.

"We should hang out over the weekend. Go to the gym or something." Tyrone says as we walk home. 

Well, I'm the only one walking. Tyrone is on his skateboard again, like he always is.

"Sounds good. In the meantime, I'm going to practice spinning." I tell him.

Tyrone turns to look at me.

"Forget the gym, that's what PE's for. We're gonna resume your dance lessons." He says with a smile.

I smile in return, but don't say anything, mostly because I don't know what to say. 

I'm also stuck on the fact that Tyrone is being this friendly. It's been a week. 

And while some people naturally click, I find it odd that Tyrone went from so hostile to this friendly in such a short amount of time.

***Tyrone's POV (ish) ***

Tyrone waves goodbye to Khai and continues on the way to his own house. He kinda likes it that Khai and him live so close to each other. 

Who would've thought Tyrone would get attached to him? 

Khai's probably confused about him. He's confused about himself, to be honest. He wants to keep his distance, but he's touch-starved and Khai is overflowing with love. It's hard not to get attached.

Tyrone rolls his skateboard into the empty driveway of his house. He kicks up his skateboard and catches it, then tries to get inside.

Right. The door is locked. Like usual. 

And then, he remembers that he lost the key. 

Tyrone sighs. 

Maybe he'll just climb the wall and get into his bedroom that way, like he's snuck out of his house. He'll grab his stuff later, as soon as he's inside so he can unlock the doors. 

Tyrone walks around to where his bedroom is, then runs up the wall and grips onto his window ledge, hoisting himself up. 

Fuck, is he ever thankful he learned parkour as a kid. This is much easier for him than picking the lock.

Tyrone rushes downstairs to unlock the door, but there is a folded piece of paper on the table that catches his attention. 

A note from his parents? He scrambles to open it.

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