2 Destined

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Note: Guys, I'm telling you again, please drop your expectations and read it from my perspective.

Part 2 Destined

Arnav's life can be divided into two sections. One, before his parents died, and two, after their deaths. He was fourteen when they died and he was twenty-eight when he met Khushi. It was the first 14 years he lived with his parents where his true character was formed. After that, all the changes in his character were brought about by himself.

It was not true that he said that he didn't have faith in love. If he didn't believe in love what was the name of his blind affection for his sister? Did he not love his mother? He did...! He just was not ready to show his weak side to the world. Yet, he never tried to restrict himself to show his weakness to his loved ones. It was the testimony when he begged Anjali, *Please don't leave me like our mother left me. If you are angry with me, beat me to death but don't leave me* in the temple when Anjali left HIS house.

Like the same, he bought the jewelry set, Manorama wished for, not tolerating her tears who helped him to start his business. Of course, he did that with a rigid face, veiling his affection for her, but he stopped her tears and brought a smile to her face by showing his GRATITUDE. Maybe, that was why he didn't defy Mami when she taunted Khushi after the kidnap. The man who didn't bother to stand against Dhadi was never arrogant with Mami.

Likewise, Lavanya... He never hesitated to take her side whenever Nani insulted her even though he didn't love her.

And... Last but not least, Khushi...

She fought with him, she argued with him, she directly hated him, yet he had a soft corner for her. We could notice a very big difference of in the mighty man's behavior the man who used to talk in English fluently when taking to others, never spoke to Khushi in English. Maybe, he wanted her to UNDERSTAND well what he spoke.

She threw tea on him, she spat water on his face, she slapped him in the process of hitting a mosquito, she irritated him like anything by pouring juice in his shoes, putting sugar in his car's petrol tank, making noise not letting him talk on the phone...!

Huff... Anyone else in his place would not have beard all those atrocities but he did with JUST a sharp glare. That was all that he did.

He never cared about anything and anyone if HE wanted it... That was why he didn't hesitate to dance with Khushi for Tere Mere. That was the peak of everything. He didn't care about people, their thoughts about him, but only about Khushi...!

Why do I Review Arnav's character here? It's because everyone has their perspective about Arnav's character. This is mine!

In this story, Arnav was going to handle all the situations with the help of his GUT INSTINCT. He was the smartest of everyone but he had to listen to his INNER VOICE. Then only he could win a challenge. At the same time, he could not change others' DESTINY but only his. Let's see what ASR would do...!

Sheesh Mahal, Lucknow

Arnav was watching the fashion parade of his company models. Yet, his mind whirled in the old thoughts of his parent's demises and his uncle throwing him and Anjali out of Sheesh Mahal. He leaned on the seat and closed his eyes.

Suddenly, he felt something in his HEART. The man who always made decisions going with his BRAIN's path felt a nip in his HEART.

He opened his eyes and his eyes caught hold of an innocent face who was standing on the stage in the irrelevant costume to his company models. She fell in his arms making his heart beat with disturbance. For the first time in his life, he felt a disturbance in his heart seeing the girl in his arms. Why did his heart tremble? Why didn't he feel to put her down?

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