12 Talking about pain

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Part 12 Talking about pain

Khushi could not believe Arnav Singh Raizada trusted her. More than that, he himself told her that. She could see the huge difference in him. What happened to the man all of a sudden? Did he sit under the BODHI tree-like Lord Buddha and enlightened?

Khushi saw Payal going out like a robot. Khushi called her,


But Payal didn't look at her. Khushi followed her and saw her removing clothes from the rope which was not yet dried. She came to Payal and clutched her hand. Payal looked at Khushi plainly.

"What are you doing, Jeeji?"


"Why are you removing wet clothes from the rope?"

Payal was bewildered.

"Oh... I..."

"What happened to you Jeeji?"

"What happened to me? I'm alright" She went inside.

Khushi followed her.

"I thought my sister wouldn't hide anything from me and she shares everything with me... but I got to know I'm wrong" Khushi pouted.

"What are you talking Khushi? What did I hide from you?"

"You hid that Akashji loves you... he proposed to you for marriage"

Payal was shocked. How did Khushi get to know about it?

"I didn't tell you about it because I don't think it's important"

"Why, Jeeji?"

"It's because I'm not going to accept his proposal"

"But why?"

"What are you asking, Khushi? Don't you know his mother? She hates us...! She doesn't even like to have us on her premises...! Did you forget what she tried to do yesterday? It was Arnavji who saved us. If he had not been there for us, we would have lost our last investment. It would have gone in vain. We would not have been relaxed like how we are now"

"Then why are you thinking about Mami when Arnavji assured he would be with you?"

Payal again got stuck. She understood Akash or Arnav would have spoken to her about it.

"He could assure now... but it's me who is going to live with them for my whole life. I don't think she is an easy nut to crack, Khushi"

"Arnavji will take care of her, Jeeji. He is like a loudspeaker in Raizada Mansion. No one speaks against him. Even though they speak he would manage them"

"I can't believe them, Khushi. After all, they are rich people. They don't know our struggles"

"What will you do if they come to GH and ask for your hand?"

"Khushi, talk about something possible" Payal left the place.

Khushi sighed. That Lord Governor said he trusted her but Payal was not ready to trust them. What would she do now?

The next day


Arnav didn't believe Khushi would call him. So, he himself made a call. Khushi saw his number and was surprised. She didn't expect him to make a call as he said. She attended the call. Before Arnav spoke, she said,

"I spoke to my Jeeji but she is not ready to trust you"

"But why?"

"Because she knew Mami doesn't like her. You too know that"

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