24 Regret

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Part 24 Regret

Khushi looked at him dumbfounded. She could not believe he was Arnav Singh Raizada. She saw something in his face that showed him as someone. She was gazing at his smiling face forgetting herself. She didn't even feel her hair fell on her cheek. Arnav tucked her hair, making her stuck. She moved back suffocating, making him smirk.

"Didn't you have a good sleep last night?" He asked making her more surprised. She looked at him jerking. Yes, she didn't sleep because she was thinking about his cheesy advice. How did he know that?

"Your eyes look tired..." he said looking into her hazels, making her suffocate.

"No... I... sleep"

"Is it...?"

She nodded yes.

"I... Buaji... water..." she stammered.

"HariPrakash already gave water to Buaji," he said and she was surprised again. Was he watching what she did?

She kept the water jug and left the kitchen hurriedly. Arnav followed her with a smile, thinking that, his wife looked cute when she was bewildered. Khushi walked looking behind nervously.

Shyam saw her coming from the kitchen. He advanced her to talk to her but backed off to see Arnav coming following her. Why Arnav was behind her? Was he protecting her from him to save his sister's life? He gritted his teeth and turned his gaze. He was thunderstruck, seeing Akash gazing at him. He composed himself and smiled at Akash who didn't respond to him. Shyam thought Akash was upset with him for trying to stop his wedding with Payal. He was highly annoyed with both sale sahib who gave tough time to him.

"We are leaving," Buaji said, joining her hands.

"No..." Said Arnav hurriedly.

All of them looked at him jerking.

"oh... actually, Di wants Khushi to be helpful in wedding preparations. Di will be stress-free if Khushi is with her. I just want you to know she is pregnant" Arnav said reading their expressions.

All of them looked at Anjali and then at Shyam who looked down. Khushi gritted her teeth wrathfully which had not gone unnoticed by Arnav.

"No problem, Arnav bituwa... She will come to RM whenever Anjali bitiya needs her" Buaji said.

"But, please take care of her when she comes here," Shashi said not looking at Shyam.

Arnav and Akash spared a glance, understanding the meaning. Before anyone replied to him,

"She is our responsibility. We will take care of her" Said Arnav.

"Yes, uncle. I will take care of her" Anjali said.

"OK then. We are leaving..."

Shashi looked at Khushi and said,

"You come later, Khushi"

Khushi nodded ok. Guptas left RM. Anjali and Khushi sat in the living room with Nani. Anjali gave a notepad to Khushi. So that she would write their plans in the notepad. To their surprise, Arnav and Akash also sat with them. Shyam was supposed to sit with them, but Anjali said,

"Shyamji, you go to our room. You must be tired..." Making everyone dumbfounded.

"That's ok, Rani Sahiba..."

Cutting him,

"Go Shyamji..." She said sternly.

She didn't want him to be with them when Khushi was there as his presence would embarrass Khushi. Everyone understood that including Khushi. Shyam left the place with a hung face.

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