8 Increasing Suspicion

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Part 8 Increasing Suspicion

Arnav was thunderstruck. Was the falling girl Khushi? Was he shocked, seeing her falling? Who was she to him? He remembered it again and he was horrified as Khushi was wearing Mangal Sutra on her neck. She called him ARNAVJI. Was she his wife? Were they going to get married? Then why did he seem messed up? Why did somebody try to stop him from saving her? What Khushi was doing there? Arnav wanted to scratch his head. What the hell was this? What are the flashes trying to tell him about? How would he marry a girl who was not up to his standard? He could not believe it, but what about the dialogue he had with the GOD?

"I agree I tortured her... I agree I did that senselessly but I wholeheartedly want to make her happy. If you are a God, you would have known that"

Did he torture Khushi? That too senselessly? But he was in the full sense now...! Then why did he become senseless? If he tortured her, why did he want to make her happy?

His thoughts got distracted by the ring of Khushi's phone. That was when he noticed, he was lying on her and she was suffocating underneath him.

She looked in the direction of her phone and then at Arnav, like, GET UP. Arnav got up and offered his hand for her to hold.

Khushi was bewildered and got up, ignoring his help. Arnav fisted his fingers in disappointment. She took her phone and answered it. Arnav listened to her talks.



"I came to the office to take my things"


Arnav was losing his patience. Yet, he waited for her to complete the call.

When Khushi finished the call, she gathered her things and hurried to leave the AR premises.

"Don't you know other than running?" he asked but she didn't give heed to it.

Taking a few long steps, he closed the door not letting her leave.

"I want to talk to you," he said.

"I don't want to talk to you... I'm not ready to talk to a man like you and not ready to hear about my status and all from you"

"Listen, it's important"

"I don't care how important it was..."

She tried to leave, but Arnav clutched her hand and pulled her towards him, making her shock.

"Try to understand..."

She pushed him gathering her strength and rushed out of the place.

"Khushiiii" He shouted.

She stopped and looked at him.

"You don't like me, right? Then, be happy... because I'm going back to Lucknow... forever..." She left the place.

Arnav stood all perplexed. If she went back to Lucknow, then what about the flashes? Was not she his wife? Or, was he hurrying in judging the flashes? Whatever, there was no room for confusion. If she was his wife, she would reach him at any cast. Arnav thought confidently.

When he came back to RM, he heard his family members, especially Shyam trying to wash Nani's brain.

"Naniji, if Arnav likes Lavanya, we should think about it"

"But, he broke up"

"It can't be permanent Naniji. Don't we know about Arnav's anger? He gets angry and gets cool in a few minutes... if you don't agree to bring Lavanya to RM, Arnav will never think of his marriage"

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