45 Tackling the situation

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Part 45 Tackling the situation

Arnav kept Anjali on the bed. Akash passed a glass of water to Arnav and he sprinkled it on Anjali's face. She slowly opened her eyes and cried hugging Arnav.

"What's all this, Chotte? I can't understand anything"

"Di, it's all true... Shyam is not a nice man as we thought. He is a criminal-minded man...! It's not good for you to be with him, Di. That's why I threw him out of RM"

"I can't believe this, Chotte...! How could I believe all this?"

"Don't you believe me? Do you think I would lie to you?"

Anjali closed her face with her palms and cried bitterly. Arnav held her hands and wiped her tears.

"Di, please, don't cry. This is why I didn't tell you about him before even after knowing about his true color. I witnessed it in front of my eyes when he asked Khushi to marry him Di. He was cheating us. He dared to tell me you are the only hindrance for him to get Khushi. I was scared he might hurt you. How could I let him harm you? That's why I married Khushi"

Anjali cried burying her face in her knees.


"Chotte, leave me alone for a while" She choked.

"Di, please..."

Anjali got off the bed and sent him out of her room. She locked her room, making Arnav feel helpless.

Arnav came to his room all distraught. The whole RM became like a graveyard and it was obvious.

Akash looked at Payal with disappointment.

"Do you know about Shyam?" he asked.

Payal cried bowing down.

"You disappointed me, Payal. I didn't expect you would hide such an important matter from me"

"I didn't hide it intentionally, Akashji"

"But you hid... we could have avoided many problems if you had told me"

Before Payal said anything,

"How would you have avoided, Akash?"

Akash saw Arnav standing at his room entrance.

"I saw him forcing Khushi to marry him. I know he was a criminal. Yet, what could I do to him? Di was his strength. We could have done nothing to him. Without any proof, we could have done nothing. Didn't you see how he tried to turn the table against me?"

Akash was silent.

"Think wisely, Akash. They would have hidden it from us only to avoid problems. They didn't want to hurt us..."

"Haan, Akashji. We didn't want to ruin the happiness of our family. I know how much it would hurt all of you because it was about Di"

Akash nodded yes. Arnav turned around only to find Manorama with dissatisfaction. He knew she was not happy about him taking Gupta sister's side. He could not help. Just because Anjali was hurt, how could he abandon Khushi and Payal who were not at fault?

The next day

After Khushi asked Anjali to have food at least for the child in her womb, Anjali decided not to have the child and went to the hospital to abort the child. Arnav saw her in the most unpleasant condition and brought her home.

Arnav came to his room and sat on the bed all fed up. That was when Manorama came to him.

"Mami, what happened that Di made such a decision?"

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