14 Shagun

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Part 14 Shagun

Arnav was thinking about what Khushi told him about Shyam. She asked Shyam to stay with her the next day. So, Shyam would try to be in GH. Khushi didn't tell anyone about the proposal. She won't tell them until Raizadas reaches GH. So, it would be a secret. So, Shyam would not know their GH's arrival.

If his guess was right, Shyam would leave RM giving an excuse, and reach GH. He decided something and went to Anjali's room. Anjali smiled at him.

"Chotte, I can't believe Akash is going to marry the girl he loves"

"You will get surprised if I say something"


"Do you know who Payal is?"


"Didn't Jeejai say, he was working for someone's pension?"

"Haan... Madhumathiji"

"Payal is Madhumathi's niece"

"Is it?"


"Thank, God... Shyamji wanted to help them wholeheartedly..."

Arnav smiled.

"Chotte, Shyamji said her wedding was cancelled. Is that girl Payalji?"

Arnav nodded yes.

"Oh, God... Mamiji will create a scene if she gets to know about it"

"Yes, don't tell her about it"

"Ok... but, Shyamji will be happy if he gets to know the bride is Payalji. He so wanted to help him"

"You are right, Di! Jejaji wants to help them"

Arnav stopped for a while,

"Di, why should not we surprise Jeejaji?"


"Don't tell Jeejaji that we are going to GH. We will take him there and surprise him. He will be happy knowing, Payal is getting a good life"

"Wow... what an idea, Chotte!"

"Just tell him, our family is going to finalize an alliance for Akash but don't tell him the bride is Payal"

"Ok..." Anjali was excited.

Arnav smiled inwardly. He wanted to see what Shyam would do. If he came with them to GH, he would get caught. If he went to GH to be with Khushi, then also he would get caught.

Arnav was glad when Anjali alerted Raizadas not to tell Shyam anything because she wanted to tell him the happy news. They agreed but it was not needed as Shyam came late.


Anjali smiled at Shyam.

"What's the matter Rani Sahiba, you look happy?"

"Yeah, I'm indeed happy"

"Really? What made you happy?"

"Akash got a proposal..."

"Oh wow... really?"

"Yeah... we are going to the bride's house tomorrow morning"

Shaym's face lost its charms.

"Tomorrow morning?"

"Yeah... 10 o'clock"

"Oh, god..."

"What happened, Shyamji?"

"I'm so unlucky to be a part of the happiest occasion"

"But why?"

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