54 Sketch

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54 Sketch

Everyone was looking at Arnav when Shyam spoke. He stopped eating and tightened his jaws. The next second, he composed himself. His facial expression became calm. There was no reaction on his face as if there was no one called Shyam. His weird behavior confused everyone.
For the whole day, Shyam neither interacted with anyone nor did he try to talk to them. Unusually, everyone was watching Shyam. His each and every move was noticed by someone in RM. Even Arnav didn’t expect it.


NK called Arnav. He attended the call.

“Haan NK”

“Nannav, Jeeju is going to Dadi’s room”

“Oh… make sure that no one goes near Dadi’s room”

“Done” he disconnected the call.

Arnav headed to Dadi’s room.

After a while,

NK saw Khushi searching here and there.

“Khushiji, what are you searching for?”

“Where is Arnavji?” She asked.

“Isn’t he in your room?”

“No… he left our room after receiving your call. After that, he didn’t come back”

“Didn’t you call him?” he asked, removing his phone.

“I did… his phone is switched off”


“Yes, Arnavji never switches his phone off. he puts it in voice mail only. I don’t know where he went. I’m worried, Nanne”

“Relax, Khushiji. He is not a kid. He will be all right and will come soon. I think he got an important call from his client. That’s why he should have gone to meet him”

Khushi was unsatisfied with his answer because Arnav would not go, without informing her. She went to her room and waited for Arnav but he didn’t come to RM till midnight. Sitting on the recliner, she waited for him restlessly and dozed off and could not hold herself.

The next morning

Khushi opened her eyes from her sleep. She sat on the bed and found herself on the bed. How did she come to bed? Did Arnavji bring her to the bed? Where was he? She looked here and there and the room was empty. She went to the washroom and took a quick shower.

When she came out of the washroom, she saw Arnav entering their room. He stopped seeing her. She gritted her teeth and advanced him.

“Where were you? Didn’t you know would be waiting for you? Didn’t you feel to tell me where were you?” her face carried worrisome.

She saw him gazing at her plainly.

“What are you looking at?”

“I… wanted to go to meet an important client… I thought to call you later but I became busy”

In no time, she hugged him emotionally.

“Do you know how worried I was?”

Arnav gulped down.

“Don’t do this ever, Arnavji”

Arnav touched her head.

“I won’t do that again”

Khushi looked at his face which looked soft.

“Did you have anything?”

Arnav nodded.

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