44 Starting Point

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Part 44 Starting Point

Khushi was restless, thinking about Arnav. She wanted to ask about him but she knew Akash would not tell her. She saw Anjali was also in the same turmoil. She believed the police would rescue Arnav soon.

That was when she got a call from an unknown number. Yet, she attended it. She thought Arnav might have called her from someone's number.

"Hello, who is speaking?"

"It's not important... what I'm going to say is important. Listen to me. No one should know about it. If you tell anyone, then I'm not responsible for your husband's life"

"Whaaat? What did you say?" She was shocked.

"Your husband is in my custody"

"Who are you? Why did you kidnap Arnavji? What do you want?"

"If you want to see your husband alive, come to the place I say with a file"

"File? What file?"

"It should be in your cupboard..."

Khushi rushed to their cupboard and saw many files there.

"There are many files in the cupboard. What file do you need?"

"A black file"

"Black file... black file..." she searched.

"Yes, there is only one black file..."

"What's written in that?"

"Mehra constructions..."

"Exactly... that's the file. Bring it to me"

"Where do you want me to come?"

"come to the HILL POINT. Remember... no one should know about this. You should come alone"


Taking the file, she rushed out. Lallan disconnected the call and smiled at Shyam who was the director of the scene.

"She is coming," Lallan said.

"I know she will come"

"What do you want me to do now?"

"Get the car ready. Fill the tank. We will leave Delhi after Khushi comes here"

"Jee..." Lallan left the place.


Khushi saw Nani and Manorama in the living room. She didn't know how to cross them without their knowledge. She inserted the file into her salwar pants. Wiping her face, she came out, trying not to show her anxiety. Yet, she could not be normal.

"Khushi bitiya, are you all right?" Nani asked.

She nodded yes plastering a smile.

"Naniji, shall I go to the temple?" she asked hesitating.

"If you want to go to the temple, you can go. What's there to be hesitating?"

Khushi nodded ok smilingly and left the place hurriedly. She came out and ran towards the main road. Stopping an auto, she asked the driver to go to Hill Point.

The auto started. Akash who came out of RM to go to Arnav saw Khushi getting into an auto.

"Where Khushiji is going?"

Akash removed his phone and dialed Khushi. Khushi became nervous. Making up herself, she attended the call.

"Jee, Jeejaji?"

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