16 Oscar Winning Actor

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Part 16 Oscar Winning Actor

"Jeejajiiiiii" Akash shouted, standing at the doorstep.

Seeing him, Shyam was horrified and Anjali was nervous. Taking a very few seconds, Shyam came to the composure as usual.

"How could you say about Payalji like that? What do you know about her?" Akash asked controlling his anger.

"I was there when her wedding broke up. I was the family lawyer of the Groom. That's how I got to know about her. The real reason for her broken wedding is, she had an affair with someone but Guptas built it up as a dowry problem"

"I won't believe this. This can't be true. I know Payalji" Akash said firmly.

"Akash, they are so talented to make others believe them... They won't suit you and this family"

Arnav who waited outside till then got in.

"What's the problem?"

Shyam became relieved, seeing Arnav. He knew Arnav. He was a reputation freak. He wouldn't let this wedding happen if he believed what Shyam said. He repeated the same to him about Payal.

"They don't deserve our family Sale sahib. We should not even think of having touch with them" he played his emotional card as usual.

"When did you get to know about Payal's broken wedding?" Arnav asked.

"I told you I was there at the wedding"

"If you know we should not even have touch with their family, why did you have TOUCH with them? You were the one who handled Buaji's pension case right? Why were you so interested in helping them if they don't deserve our touch?"

Shyam sensed his accusation was turned towards him.

"I'm a lawyer after all... It's my job to be in touch with criminals. I can't avoid it but this is family"

"I think you have temporary memory loss. I didn't see a LAWYER in you when you talked about Payal's broken wedding that day. You felt bad for her and her family...! You wanted to help them..."

Arnav looked at Anjali and asked

"Didn't you feel it Di?"

She nodded yes.

"I saw a warm-hearted man who wanted to do something to bring happiness to their faces. But now, you are reacting totally opposite to it"

Shyam was tongue-tied.

"I just don't want to tell the truth to anyone. Even though she is wrong I don't want to spoil her life. That's why I didn't bring her personal problem to my case" Shyam answered like a saint but he didn't know the man in front of him was the mighty ASR.

"Ok... Give the phone number of her Ex-fiancée who canceled the wedding"

Shyam was horror-struck. Phone number? Was Arnav going to call them? But he didn't have their phone number. He could have only had their phone number if he was their family lawyer...! What he said was not true. He just weaved a net to safeguard himself but he got trapped in the same net. His criminal mind worked fast.

"I don't have their phone number," Shyam said.

Anjali and Akash looked at him weirdly.

"You are their family lawyer but you don't have their phone number?" Anjali asked before Arnav or Akash did that.

"I WAS their family lawyer until the wedding. I ended their relationship because some terms were not agreeing between us"

"OK... but what about the phone number? How did it erase from your phone?" Arnav taunted.

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