36 Torn Mask

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Part 36 Torn Mask

Arnav was shocked to the core to see Shyam giving the diamond set to the merchant. He looked at Anjali gulping down. Anjali looked at him and then at his phone. She was horrified to see the pic. She snatched his phone from his hand and looked at the pic zooming it. It was the same diamond set. Anjali looked at Arnav with teary eyes.

"The diamond merchant called me, Di. He said someone brought the diamond set for sale, getting doubt because he knows we would not sell our jewels. I was confused about how it went missing without your knowledge. That's why I asked you to check it, Di..." Arnav didn't say I suspect Shyam.

Anjali sat with a thud. Her eyes poured uncontrolled. Arnav sat next to her. He clutched her hand.

"Di, don't you think Shyam's recent activities are doubtful nowadays?"

Anjali looked at him with pooled-up eyes.

"I don't deny he was a nice person when you married him but I see many changes in him in recent days. He conflicts with his own words. He stammers a lot... just think about Akash and Payal's wedding. Why did he try to stop their wedding, putting cheap blame on Payal? Do you try to get an answer?"

"I don't know what to do Chotte. I don't know what's missing"

"Why did he take ( he didn't say, STEAL) your diamond set without your permission and sell it? You would have given him money if he had asked you... Would not you?"

She nodded yes.

"Then why did he do this? The diamond set is nearly one crore... What expenses does he have that he needs so much money? That too without your knowledge?"

Anjali had no answer.

"Does he do anything against your wish or against you?"

Anjali looked at him painfully as she also had the same doubt.

"What do you want me to do, Chotte?" She chocked.

"What do YOU (stressing) want me to do DI? Di, you know you are important to me. Your safety is more important to me than anything. How could I be peaceful after knowing you are with a thief?"

Anjali closed her eyes painfully, hearing him addressing Shyam as THIEF.

"You can do whatever you want, Chotte... I won't stop you..." She said keeping her eyes closed.

"I won't take any action unless it's needed. I asked Mr. Lal to bring the diamond merchant. We will conclude after inquiring about him thoroughly. If you want, I won't inquire about him but you"

Anjali nodded no.

"You can inquire about him. I know you will not do anything irrelevant. I know you will not let anyone hurt me"

Arnav hugged Anjali emotionally.

At the same time, HP came there.

"Arnav Baba, Lalji is here"

Arnav nodded and HP left.

"Di, if you want, we will inquire him alone in my room"

"No need Chotte, if he is a thief, everyone should be aware of it"

Arnav nodded ok. He brought Anjali to the living room.

Lal was waiting with another diamond merchant in the living room.

"Namaste Raizadaji"

Arnav nodded his head.

"Tell me, Mr. Lal"

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