20 Khushi's Wrath

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Part 20 Khushi's Wrath

Raizadas looked at Shyam with questioning eyes.

"I told you, I just don't want those poor people to feel awkward to approach me. That's why I didn't tell them that I'm a son-in-law of a rich family." Shyam sang the same song again.

"What logic is this, Damadji? Are people approaching lawyers only after knowing they are not rich? If it is so, who is poor here? Even though he is poor, would he take the case for free and serve for poor?" Manorama asked.

"Many people are like that Maamiji..."

"Let it be anything, what's the reason for you to hide the truth of our marriage? Why did you address yourself as an unmarried man?" Anjali asked with angry tears.

"It was not intentional, Rani Sahiba. If I say I'm married, they would have asked me about my wife..."

"So what if they asked about your wife? What harm if you say you are married...? You could have told them your wife is in Lucknow or somewhere else...! When you didn't even bother about telling yourself as unmarried, why didn't you lie about your wife? How could you say you are unmarried when I'm here?" Anjali asked furiously. She could not accept the truth that Shyam lied about his marital status.

"Rani Sahiba, please don't get angry"

"What will you do if I address myself as unmarried?"

Shyam was stuck.

"Only those would hide their marital status, who are waiting for ANOTHER CHANCE..." She sneered.

Shyam looked at her horrified.

Arnav smirked inwardly. That was what he wanted Anjali to understand and she did.

"Rani Sahiba you misunderstood me...! You can inquire about me in Laxmi Nagar. They will tell you how gentle I am"

"Khushi belongs to the same Laxmi Nagar only, Damadji. Didn't you see how disappointed she is with you? What about that? The much I know, she was a nice girl. If she gets angry with you, I don't know about others" Nani said.

"Nani, I think we should give Jeejaji a chance," Said Arnav.

Everyone looked at him bewildered.

"Yes, we should inquire people of Laxmi Nagar and get to know how gentle he is with them. What say?"

Shyam swallowed the gland that rose from his stomach to his throat.

"Bhai is right. We should not be in the assumptions" Akash said.

Anjali threw a glare at Shyam and went to his room. Nani and Manorama went with her to console her.

"Let's go, Akash" Arnav said.

Akash walked with Arnav. Shyam stood alone in the living room, running his fingers in his hair with annoyance. What would happen if Arnav and Akash inquired about him in Gupta house? He stopped Khushi from telling about the proposal but Guptas would definitely tell the truth to the Raizada brothers. Then, they would throw him out of RM and would tear him into pieces if he tried to talk to Anjali again. It seemed it would be hard for him to coax Anjali this time. She was unimaginably furious with him for hiding his marital status. It must have hurt her ego. He didn't expect this issue would turn like this... totally against him! What could he do now?

Taking his mobile, he tried Khushi's number who was on the way to GH. She saw his number and disconnected the call furiously. How dare he call her after making all of them fools! She gritted her teeth as Shyam again called her. She again disconnected the call.

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