53 Why?

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Part 53 Why?

No one could believe Arnav agreed to bring Shyam back to RM... That too without any struggle. By the way, why did he make such a dangerous decision? Raizadas knew Arnav. He could not stand indecency. He eyed his wife. How was he going to tolerate Shyam's presence near his wife? Nothing seemed right.

Arnav went to his room coolly. Anjali smiled looking at everyone. Khushi silently headed to their room. She saw Arnav in a deep thought. He must be thinking about his decision to bring Shyam to RM.

Khushi came to him and stood looking at him. He smiled at her.

"May I ask you something Arnavji?"

It was not a big deal for him to guess what she was going to ask him. Didn't he know her? He nodded yes.

"Is it necessary to bring Shyam Ji here again?"

"Di wants him to come here"

"But he is a foxy man who kidnapped you... He tried to kill you... In what hope do you want to bring him back, Arnavji? How do you trust him?"

"I trust myself... I trust you..."

Khushi was stuck for a while. Managing herself, she asked,

"He is beyond the assumption, Arnavji. We can't guess what he will do. We don't even think of doing anything he does. His thought are so cruel"

"We don't have to guess it because, however, it will come out..."

"Before it comes out, he will implement his plan"

"This is not fair, Khushi... While underestimating your husband, you are overestimating his enemy" he smiled.

Khushi sighed.

"If you are considering him as your enemy, why do you allow him to approach you, Arnavji?"

"Keeping our enemy in our sight is a kind of trick"

"Are you going to watch him?"

Arnav smiled.

"Before also he was in RM only but no one suspected him. He is skilled in acting, Arnavji... And..."

Cutting her,

"Don't you trust me?"

Khushi was stuck.

"Do you think I can tolerate him? Khushi, he not just kidnapped me and tried to kill me but eyed on my wife. Yet, I am allowing him to enter RM. Do you know why?"

Khushi gazed at him and said nothing. He slowly shook his head.

"You will get to know that soon. Till then, just do what I say"

Khushi understood he was up to something but she could not conclude anything.

Arnav excused himself and went to the poolside. He made a call but Khushi could not hear anything nor did she know with whom he was talking.

Arnav came in and smiled at her. He went out. Khushi frowned seeing him going to Anjali's room. She shrugged and went to the kitchen.

After a while, Arnav headed to his room, and Anjali came to the living room and sat with Nani.

"Nani, shall we go to the temple in the evening?" she asked.

"Temple? Why Anjali?"

"She wants to go to the temple. Would you question even her simple desires?" Dadi asked.

"Will you come with me, Dadi?"

Dadi nodded.

"Won't you?" She asked Nani.

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