25 Coincidence??

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Part 25 Coincidence??

Arnav stopped the car in front of GH.

"All the best... do practice," Arnav said.

"I will win the Natraj Idol for sure," Khushi said.

"Do you like the idol?"

"Of course... I like it very much..."

"Then, it will come back to RM in a few days... I suppose" Arnav said in a hidden meaning. If she liked it, she would bring it back to RM when she came to marry Arnav.

Khushi looked at him frowning.


"Natraj will be there where Devi Maiya would be... right?"

"Haan... but Devi Maiya is in GH only..."

Arnav smiled not answering that made Khushi flinch.

"Bye..." he drove off with a smile.

"What happened to this man? Why didn't he behave like Arnav Singh Raizada these days?" Khushi murmured and went inside.

Khushi started dance practice to win Sangeet. Unexpectedly, she won the competition with the help of the man from the opposition party as her friend Sarida didn't come to the competition.

Arnav was the man who would not let his LOVED one to be defeated. He knew Khushi was his wife. Then there was no chance for him to leave her helpless. He gave his hand for her to win the competition... he gave his hand in the excuse of helping her. It was actually a CLAIM, that she was HIS. It was an open declaration of his relationship with Khushi...! He used the chance to let Khushi know who she was for him and he would even let her win by losing HIMSELF. Not only Khushi but also everyone who knew ASR well became dumbfounded by the dance he performed on the stage with Khushi. The man who never danced in the last fifteen years did that for his LOVE LADY's victory.

It said what she meant to him. He made them understood it by making his UNBELIEVBLE steps with Khushi. Who could believe ASR would DANCE on stage with Khushi who was in the opposite team? There were a few things to be noticed in his dance, he didn't hesitate to touch her, lift her and hug her. He didn't wonder about it as according to him, she was HIS WIFE.

The wave created by Arnav in Khushi's heart made Khushi's heartbeat run like hell. She felt RIGHTFULNESS in his touch. She could not conclude what he was up to. After all, he was Arnav Singh Raizada, the man who became unpredictable these days...! Yes, he was so predictable a few days ago. Arnav Singh Raizada meant anger, ego, and arrogant but recently, his behavior didn't seem to be ASR. He was behaving like someone. She was confused about it. Who could guess, the great Arnav Singh Raizada would have such an idea of marrying a simple girl Khushi and that was the reason for his upside down behavior? That behavior created a SHIVER in Khushi's mind. She suffocated, could not conclude anything.

On the other side, Shyam was burning in jealous. It was not hard for him to understand what was there in Arnav's heart. The man who thought twice to even speak before, danced with Khushi on the stage. It was not a simple thing but a death-bell to him. He was a snack but he sought a help of SCORPIO to finish Anjali to get Khushi. He thought Khushi didn't want to marry him ONLY because he was married. He thought if his wife died, Khushi would marry him...! How narrow minded he was...! How a man who didn't understand what would be girls' actually expectation from a man, kept his wife under his control by his so-called love? The Scorpio plan backfired Shyam and it found its way back to him. You would reap what you sow...!

Arnav decided to perform Mehandi ritual in RM. Guptas reached RM as usual, except one...Khushi. She was not looking usual but abnormal. More to tease her, Arnav himself opened the door for her, making her gulp the jalebi in her hand. Looking at her face itself, Arnav understood she was not normal. He knew the reason of her being abnormal was Him. That brought a smile to his face.

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