9 Comeback

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Part 9 Comeback

Arnav slowed down his steps and asked the man,

"Where is Madhumathi's house?"

"That one..." the man showed Khushi's house.

Shyam stopped walking and heard that. Why did Arnav particularly ask the man where was Madhumathi's house? When Arnav came home to drop Khushi off the other day, Payal called him right after Arnav left GH and said, 'Khushi reached home'. Did Arnav hear her talk to him? Recently Arnav's behavior towards him was not pleasant. The man who would melt by his few words towards his sister looked rigid. Did Arnav doubt him? Shyam was alerted.

Arnav came and sat in the car. His next question confirmed that Arnav doubted Shyam.

"Who is Madhumathi?"

"she is an old lady. I met her in Lucknow when she came there for her niece's wedding. I'm the Groom's family lawyer. The groom's father introduced me to the Bride's family. That was when they got to know I'm from Delhi. She approached me for her pension. I promised her, I would get her pension after coming to Delhi but unfortunately, the wedding stopped" Shyam didn't hesitate to tell them about Guptas because he thought Khushi went to Lucknow and would not come back.

"But why?" Anjali asked.

"The Groom's family suddenly asked for extra dowry. The younger daughter of the family went to meet the groom to tell him that they could not manage the huge amount all of a sudden but, unfortunately, she got stuck somewhere and could not reach home till midnight. So, she was not able to meet the groom. Poor she repents a lot that because of her, her sister's wedding stopped"

Arnav gulped down. It was not hard for him to understand about what incident Shyam talking.

"Madhumathiji brought their nieces to Delhi because Lucknow people taunted them heartlessly. She got a job in Delhi too... but, her Boss tortured her a lot it seems. I got to know about it when she called me to inquire about her pension. She felt so helpless. As I was in Lucknow at that time, I could not help her... what can I do from Lucknow, if the girl was late from the office? I could have gone to her office if I had been in Delhi...but I was not. Could not bear the Boss's torture, she resigned from the job and went back to Delhi" Shyam managed the situation.

Arnav didn't suspect Shyam because what he said was true...except for one, that, he was Groom's lawyer. Shyam beautifully covered up the story to save himself. But... he didn't know what kind of impact his story created in Arnav's heart.

He was the one who restricted Khushi from going home. Because of his action, Khushi's sister's wedding stopped. Because of his torture, Khushi resigned from the job even though he didn't torture her, the situation led her to think so.

"You could have told Chotte about it. He would have given her a job in AR" Anjali said.

"Rani Sahiba, don't I know Sale Sahib? He doesn't like the recommendation. That's why I didn't do it. They are very poor you know, they spent almost all of their savings on the wedding but it didn't take place. That was why the girl tried to mend things by finding a job... but, finally, they went back to Lucknow"


Arnav didn't know how to sort it out. The flashes said Khushi was his wife but she went back to Lucknow. She wasn't even ready to talk to him. According to her, he was a villain. How could he get her forgiveness? Of course, he was not a man who could say SORRY effortlessly but what he did was something beyond the limits. He didn't know what to do. Should he go to Lucknow to meet her? Yeah, he could get Shyam's help in finding her house. Yes, that would be a good idea. After Anjali and Shyam's wedding anniversary, he decided to go to Lucknow to meet Khushi.

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