18 Snake in the Grass

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Part 18 Snake in the Grass

"That rogue is a MARRIED man... scoundrel... he hid the truth from her and acted like an unmarried man. How dare he...! Rascal...! I'm searching for him only. If I found him somewhere, I will definitely give him a few slipper shots" Khushi panted hard, biting her jaws.

Shyam was gazing at her horrified. If she got so angry for her friend, what would she do when it came to herself? He gulped down hard.

"Being a lawyer, what will you do if you meet such a rogue, Shyamji?" Khushi asked.

"I don't like such persons, Khushiji. Who would like criminals? That's why I'm dealing with CIVIL cases. I can earn money in lakhs if I started dealing with criminal cases but I don't want to earn that way. I'm satisfied with what I have. It's enough for me. I won't wish for more because life is short. What we have is God's gift. We should thank him instead of wishing for more"

For a few minutes, Khushi could not understand anything. She felt like, she was in a SATSANG and the man in front of her was a SAINT. What this man was made up of? Anyone would fall for his words who listened to him.

Khushi was right. Anyone would fall for his words... Buaji fell. She heard him talking to Khushi. She was delighted as if she had found a perfect match for Khushi. She came to Shashi who was having tea with Garima.

"Shashi, I would like to talk to you"

"Tell me, Jeeji"

"What do you think about Shyam?"

"Seems a nice guy"

"Is not he?"

"Yeah...but seems soooo nice... that's what makes me suspect him"

"You always doubt people. Listen, we will never get such a nice guy for Khushi"

"Khushiiii? What do you mean, Jeeji?"

"Payal got a nice man. Likewise, Shyam will be for Khushi. However, we will find a guy for Khushi. Why should we let him go when we know he is a gem of a person? What do you say, Garima?"

"Jeeji is right, Shashiji. Where can we search for a nice guy like Shyam? He talks with Khushi nicely and Khushi also talks..."

Cutting her,

"Like a friend... Khushi has no such intention in her heart" Shashi said.

"Maybe... but she will like him and will be happy with him," Buaji said.

Shashi became thoughtful.

"I will talk to Shyam if you are ok with the alliance"

"I'm not..." Said Shashi.

"But why?"

"How could you give our daughter without knowing anything about him? He is staying in our house. He is a lawyer. What else do you know about him? Who is he? Where is his family? Which is his native? Why is he here? Do you know anything?"

"He has no one"

"How do you know?"

"He told me"

"Will you believe whatever he says and will give your daughter?"

"What do you want me to do Shashi?"

"Give me some time... I will decide"

"Ok, take your time and inquire about him but, I'm going to talk to Shyam babuwa"

"But what so urgent?"

"Just to hold a nice man. Then only he will not think of anyone other than Khushi. If you don't like him, or if you find any flaws, we will reject him..."

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