52 Declaration and Decision

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Part 52 Declaration and Decision

Dadi was shocked to see Arnav in GH, whereas others were surprised and relieved. He smiled at them.

"What are you doing here at this office hour, Arnav?" Dadi asked rigidly.

"I came to meet my in-laws and Buaji. As Garima Aunty is not at home and went to the market, I'm waiting for her." Arnav said.

Dadi frowned upon hearing Garima's name.

"By the way, this is my in-laws, no wonder I came here but why are all of you here? That too without my knowledge?"

Before Dadi answered, NK did.

"We too don't know, Nannav. Dadi asked all of us to get ready. She didn't reveal where she was taking us even after Nani and Di questioned her. She ordered us to join her. Without any choice, we came with her. Now only we got to know she brought us nowhere but to GH"

Arnav looked at Dadi sharply.

"I would like to meet our Bahu's parents. What's wrong with that?" Dadi said making a stern face.

"Nothing is wrong. She is Madhumathi. Khushi's Bua. Khushi's father is paralyzed. He is in that room, resting. Garima Aunty will be here anytime. You can meet her after she comes"

At the same time, Garima came to GH. She was happy to see Raizadas at her place. She was supposed to enter to welcome them. She stopped hearing a voice that she could never forget.

"Madhumathiji, what do you think about the girl who lives with a man without getting married?" Dadi asked.

Buaji shrank her face with confusion as she could not understand why Dadi asked an irrelevant question and others became nervous understanding the cause of her question, whereas Arnav gritted his teeth in anger. He looked at Khushi whose eyes tear up.

"Your niece is the one..." Dadi said without hesitation.

Buaji looked at Khushi shockingly.

"Ask, her, if she took Pheras..."

Khushi gulped down her fear.

"Without completing the marriage by taking Phares, she is living with my grandson... now tell me, what will you name her?"

Buaji closed her eyes, as she could not stand that. She raised her hand to hit Khushi but Arnav came in front of her and the slap fell on his cheek. Arnav stood looking into Buaji's eyes sharply. Everyone was shocked and Buaji was more Shocked. Dadi gulped hard.

"Buaji, you don't have to feel bad for slapping me. I'm equally involved in this marriage. In fact, I'm the sole reason for the wedding. Do you think I can be manipulated easily? Don't you know me? it was me who was the reason for everything"

"Arnav babuwa... I'm sorry...I was supposed to..." Buaji stammered with teary eyes.

Cutting her,

"Slap Khushi... right?"

Buaji was silent.

"If you can slap Khushi, why not me?"

"No Arnav babuwa... we didn't bring her up that way... we brought her up teaching values of our customs..."

"Did she ever argue with you going against our customs? Did she ever show hatred towards our rituals? Did she feel irritated to follow them?"

Buaji nodded no slowly and said,

"She liked our rituals... respected our customs..."

"Then how could she be gone against it? Just because someone accused her, how could you raise your hand on her? Don't you know her? Is this what you understand about her?" Arnav asked.

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