17 Flop over Flop

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Part 17 Flop over Flop

Arnav understood how talented actor Shyam was. He should be more talented to beat such a cunning snake.

"Akash, do you notice an important point?" Arnav asked.

Shyam raised his head, stopping his acting.

"What Bhai?" Akash asked as he noticed many things.

"The guy didn't try to cover up their cheap act of asking for dowry but admitted it. In addition, he defended Payal even though he had a chance to veil their mistake..."

"He regretted for demanding dowry too, Bhai. That's what I'm also thinking. There is no trace of disappointment in his tone but only repentance. He would not have spoken about apologizing to Payalji if she is wrong"

"Exactly... that's what I want to say. I don't think Payal is a wrongdoer" Arnav said glancing at Shyam from the corner of his eyes.

"Yes, Bhai... something must be wrong," Akash said looking at Shyam.

Anjali noticed it.

"Were you really there when Payal's marriage broke up?" She asked.

Shyam sensed he was completely cornered. He had no chance other than making Payal GOOD. Then only he could escape from this mess. Or else, these guys would find out how criminal he was.

"I went to attend the wedding, Rani Sahiba. When I went to the wedding hall, there was no one in the hall. I asked the people what happened. They said the wedding was called off because the bride had an afire with someone"

"People said and you trusted it?" Anjali questioned with disbelief.

"I tried to talk to the Groom's father but he was not in the mood to talk to anyone as the wedding called off. People started nagging him with a lot of questions. So, he avoided meeting anyone"

"But, without investigating it, how did you conclude that what people said is true?"

"Talking about a girl's character is not a simple thing, that too when her wedding is called off, right? No one dared to do that. That's why I concluded, it must be true"

Cutting him,

"And, you were fully set to stop her wedding again?"

Shyam was stuck.

"It's about Akash's life, Rani Sahiba. If anything goes wrong in the future, won't you guys question me? Won't you get upset for hiding the information from you?"

Anjali looked at Arnav and Akash who were not satisfied with his answer.

"You have not given us information but were adamant about stopping the wedding," Akash said disappointedly.

"When there is an option, why should we take the risk, Akash?"

"There is no OPTION in my wedding. Payalji will be my wife and that's final" Akash left the place.

Arnav was about to follow him, but he stopped and asked Shyam,

"Is this how you handle all your cases?" he mocked.

That one question was enough for Shyam to understand his current condition. It was a great insult anyone could face.

Arnav left the place after throwing a loathful look at Shyam.

Shyam tightened his jaws. These guys were not like before. He didn't know how they started thinking a lot suddenly. Were not they accepted everything told by him closing their eyes? What happened to them? Why did they dig deep instead of saying yes?

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