46 Reaction to the Action

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Part 46 Reaction to the Action

Khushi hugged Arnav emotionally. He reciprocated it with

the same zeal.

"Thank you for standing for me Arnavji..." She chocked.

Arnav pulled her from the hug and cupped her face.

"Khushi, I'm sorry... I'm sorry for whatever I did... sorry for not trusting you... sorry for forcing you into the marriage... sorry for hurting you... I'm really sorry"

"I know you love Di very much. To save her life, you married me. I can understand..."

"No Khushi... I didn't marry you only to save Di's life... I married you because I love you. I agree I misunderstood you and thought wrongly about you. Even though I thought you were wrong, I could not let you go to someone's hand. That's why I married you. I should have enquired about Shyam. I failed to do that. I was so blinded by my anger. I'm sorry..."

"I was upset with you because I didn't know the cause of your anger but now, after knowing the reason, I'm glad. You married me for ME. you did that because you want me to be with you..."

Arnav kissed her forehead.

"I'm sorry, Arnavji..."

"Why are you sorry?"

"Because of me, Di is facing this phase in her life..."

"Shhh... what are you talking? It's Shyam who is the reason for her condition. He made her life hell. How could you be the reason for it?"

"Everyone is thinking like that only..."

"You don't have to think about them. I'm here to handle them. You just let me know if anyone hurt you. Please don't hide it from me"

"Arnavji, I decided something. I hope you will understand"

"What did you decide?"

"Shall I go to Buaji's house for a few days?"

Arnav was shocked to the core.

"Whaaat? What did you say?" he asked unbelievably.

"I think we should give time to Di to get normal. She is distraught. She will get upset or lose her mind if she sees me. She trusted Shyamji like a God. She is not wrong if she is upset with me. To get Shyamji's trust, I made the biggest mistake of getting close to him. I didn't have a choice, Arnavji. I'm sorry for doing that. That's why she lost her trust in me. Any woman in her place would react that way only. That's why I wanted to stay away from her. Making her stressed is not good for her and her baby. Let me go from here, Arnavji"

"Khushi, we can't change what happened. We should try to change the situation instead of running from the problem. Try to understand one thing, you and Di are going to be in RM that's unavoidable. You guys should have to face each other. No choice. Give me some time. I will make it all right. Please don't stress yourself thinking about it and don't think of leaving RM"

"But, Arnavji..."

"Do you trust me?"

"More than anyone in this world"

"Then, leave it to me. I know how to handle it"

Khushi nodded ok with a painful expression.

"Go to sleep..."

Arnav made her lay on the bed and waited for her to sleep but Khushi didn't seem sleeping. She was gazing at Arnav... the man who changed into upside down. A lonely tear slipped from the corner of her eyes. Arnav wiped it gulping down. She clutched his hand and kept his palm under her cheek. Arnav caressed her hair and blinked his eyes, gesturing her to sleep. Khushi closed her eyes even though she was not sleepy.

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